Lost Without You


Lost Without You

is it right to feel this way?
Is it right to want you?
After all I’ve been through I’m damaged,
Scarred from the past and yet my heart
Betrays me again.
The wanting of something
I couldn't possibly have without ending up hurt again.
And yet I’m falling or should i say fallen for you.
You are my angel but is your light
Enough to overcome the darkness,
The destruction left behind so carelessly by another?
So many thoughts racing through my head
Questioning you questions me and
What we could be together.
Is our love enough?
Is it even love?
Is it right to care again
When I’m still so wounded by another,
Still bleeding from the wounds
Inflicted by the one I called my love.
And yet even after the betrays,
The wounds that have yet to heal,
To feel so right with you how could it be so wrong?
The world makes sense when your here,
To picture my life, this world without you in it,
You can’t even begin to comprehend the loneliness,
The pain I would go through.
With you time stops, my breath shortens,
Everything becomes hazy nothing exists
But you and me and this magical feeling,
And yet it scares me to have something so perfect,
For everything has flaws how is this any different?
I keep expecting to find a crack,
A fracture in this perfect world we have created.
Am I dreaming?
I must be reality has never been this sweet...
But still it feels so real if this is a dream
I hope I never awake,
for that scares me
The most to never feel love again
To never have you hold me and
Warm me against this cold world.....
To be truly alone.

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WordSlinger commented on Lost Without You


You have captured your emotions to pen well, very good, welcome to OP..

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

taintedangel’s Poems (6)

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