Looking For?


  • Seeking

    Looking For?

    We look for love in all the wrong places,
    We find friendly but unfamiliar faces, that smile and pretend that they
    love us so, as they hurt us over and over again and from head to Toe.

    We look for trust in external locations, to vast and close to touch
    our necked temptations. So it's ok to look the other way, as children we
    have not forgotten how to play, today I will pretend I wished the pain away.

    We look for music that will heal our troubled soul, show us the hidden mold, and spark the treausres that are lined with silver and gold, or so i was told. By voices so bold, that I mis-placed the  winter like cold of stories so old that they are lost in the translations that imagination has re-sold to the highest bidder at the table of lost souls.

    We look for Crowns to place upon our heads, with a loving warm body to help warm our beds, No longer fearing what is sinister and dread, We have graducated from the dark thoughts that dance in out head, this to somewhere I have read, so i still look for shelter from the rain that is red.

    We look for something, and nothing is givin, we keep living, there is no conscious way of knowing what is ending. This is what we look for, this is what we touch, the emptyness of everything mixed with the baloon that is about to bust.

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    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    water777’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Why the spider spins. 1
    Like the wind 1
    We are born 0
    One day. 2
    Looking For? 0
    Deeper. 1
    I love her..... 1