lookin for love...


  • Life
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  • Love
    • dx26
    • Need Some New Friends, Any One Wants To Be My Friend?

    lookin for love...

    todos buscan el amor, pero el amor no nos busca, nos gusta el amor, pero el amor no nos quieren. necesitamos amor, necesitamos sentir el amor pero el amor no quiere tener nada que ver con nosotros, bu amamos aman demasiado. Te amo ...

    everyone is looking for love, but love is not looking for us, we love love but love does not love us. we need love, need to feel love but love does not want to have anything to do with us, bu we love love too much. i love you...

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    kpeery09 commented on lookin for love...


    Very Nice, man, keep it up....and thats true about love, but we all end up finding it one day. I give you a 10 for a good write.

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    dx26’s Poems (21)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Renewed Found Love 0
    My Birdie 0
    Since You're Gone 3
    Under the stars 5
    lookin for love... 1
    yesterday, today and tomorrow 1
    Promises, Promises, Promises 1
    Lady In My Life- Michael Jackson 0
    Heart Break Poem 0
    Heart Break Poem 0
    Renewed Love 0
    Oh Man 0
    Confusion In My Mind!!!!!! 0
    cover me (21:03) 0
    You Are Poetry 3
    not for eyes to see part two 9
    not for all eyes to see 4
    welcom back part two 1
    welcome back 1