  • Personal



    iM a LittLe smaLL
    nD a LittLe nOt sO taLL
    iM a LittLe oDD
    nD a LittLe tyPicaL likE yOu thOuGht
    iM a LittLe smaRt senSe
    bUt havE LittLe cOmmOn sensE
    iM a LittLe BravE
    nD a LittLe sCared & afRaiD
    iM a littLe stranGe
    nD i likE a LittLe ChanGe
    iM a littLe kinD
    nD a littLe kinDa blinD
    iM a littLe wieRd
    nD a LittLe haRd tO heaR
    iM a littLe DanCe
    nD i weaR LittLe pantS
    iM a littLe diffeRent
    nd a LittLe likE eveRyOne eLSe
    iM a LittLe ViEtnaMeSe kiDd
    nd a LittLe ChineSe lOokin'a bit
    iM a LittLE cHinky
    nD a littLe teEny, wEeny, tinky
    iM a littLe pRetty
    nD a littLe riSky
    iM a LittLe uGLy
    nD a LittLe stiLL haPpi ComPLetLy:)
    iM a LittLe niCe
    nD nO iM REaLLi NiCe:)
    iM a littLe caReLess
    nd yEt nevEr heaRtLesS
    iM a littLe LovinG
    nD a littLe sHy abOut taLlkinG
    iM a littLe cOoL
    nD sOmetimeS a stOoPid LittLe fOoL
    iM a LittLe cRazy
    nD iM a LittLe bOrinG
    iM a LittLe riGht
    nD a littLe nOt in tO fiGht
    iM a LittLe wRonG
    nD a littLe makiN' thiS tOoo LonG...
    iM juSt a littLe GurL
    Livin' iN a diFfiCuLteD wOrLd
    nD yEt a simPLe LittLe wOrld
    iM iN my Own cReateD WOrLD
    i havE ALOT a 'LittLe' thinGs
    nD thEn aGen i hAve a ALOT oF evErythinG:).....

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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