Little Pieces of Paper


  • Life
    • FranzJ
    • I hope everyone at Original Poetry had a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

    Poem Commentary

    Just thinking

    Little Pieces of Paper

    Six inches long and two and a half wide
    Pictures of Presidents who have died
    Are thoses little pieces of paper

    Black numbers and letters on mostly green
    And cream colored are the facial figurines
    On these little pieces of paper

    All the same size, but different dominations
    They can be used in any combination
    These little pieces of paper

    If you let them they can rule your life
    Without them your life is in strife
    Thoses little pieces of paper

    People work all week to get paid
    Never sarified with what they made
    With these little pieces of paper

    Men will lie, steal and cheat
    Women will sell their bodies on the street
    For thoses little pieces of paper

    With them you have power and might
    Without them you are weak and slight
    Thoses little piees of paper

    Leaders of nations have lost their positions
    Emenies were able to force a trasition
    Due to thoses little pieces of paper

    Maybe in the future there will be no more greed
    And that future there will be no more need
    For thoses little pieces of paper

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    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    FranzJ’s Poems (1)

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