

Poem Commentary

ode to the most evil women i have ever known


Was I taken in just by,
The fairness of your voice?
Did i willingly go,
to my doom and if so,
did I have a choice?

Was I disarmed by,
the beauty of your eyes?
Did they help you to deceive
and make me ultimately believe
All your twisted lies?

Was my head confuddled by,
the softness of your kiss?
Which left me breathless and in need.
Which caused my heart to melt and bleed.
So that all the signs i missed.

Was i overwhelmed by,
The trust you showed in me?
With one hand you gave it seems
and there by distracting me.
In the other a knife i did not see.

Or was it with your gentle sighs?
And in the night your lustfull cries?
Which allowed me to feel loved and free,
dispite my friends all telling me,
your heart was dead inside.

And at the end of the day,
no matter what we each might say.
We both know what is true.
That i gave my heart to you
...and now it seams I'll pay.

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Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

NobodyTrue’s Poems (13)

Title Comments
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She 0
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