


in me is this burning desire to speak....
to say all the things that word of mouth can only advertise
the truth
the honesty behind what the simple mind of webster was only capable of  doing through the fashioning of different arrays of the 26 together to give...
allowing my heart to bleed black or blue on the clear white and accepting for the unconscious mind to interpret to the conscious
for the misunderstanding of it all to be understood for the purpose of actually learning ....
actually teaching...
not just professing...
so i scream
silently as the INQUE from my PIN wreaks havoc on the silent world
while it lays there and takes it
as the pen screams in the face of the paper
causing it to cry... no to bleed words
or maybe not so
maybe the words lie invisibly on the blank piece of paper and the pin leaks
and as the ink fills in the crevices unseen befors words like art are painted
and the paper speaks
so is this me screaming
or is the pin causing the paper to bleed
or is the paper finally able to express itself freely

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

InquePin’s Poems (1)

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