Learned with my Heart


  • Life
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  • Emotional

    Learned with my Heart


    Along the long road I learned

    That not every soul is a friend;

    That some are there to love us,

    And some are just pretends.


    I learned that money comes and goes,

    And it’s not really such an important part;

    That the things that really matter

    We have to buy with our hearts.


    I learned that happiness means something different

    In every set of eyes,

    And that only we can rebuild it

    After it all falls apart.


    I learned to believe

    Just so I can hold on to my mind,

    And that even if God‘s not real,

    At least He seems to be kind.


    I learned that a friend can wound you

    In ways no one else can,

    And that hearts tend to put themselves together,

    Just so they can keep tearing themselves apart.


    I learned that love, in general,

    Is not to be taken lightly at all;

    That it will engulf us, consume us,

    And then slowly break our heart.


    I learned that at the end of every tunnel,

    There will always be a bright light,

    And it’s up to us to choose;

    Stay in the dark, or embrace a new start.


    I learned that smiling and crying,

    Always will go hand in hand,

    For we can’t have one without the other,

    And that’s very hard to understand.


    I learned that peace will never find us,

    Until we’ve learned to be genuinely kind,

    And that no matter who’s lying on the floor,

    We should go ahead and reach out a hand.


    I learned that I belong to me,

    And ultimately to God,

    And I realized I’m my own hero,

    Right after He opened my eyes.


    And now I know more than yesterday,

    Yet less than a month from now,

    And I don’t know what this life will teach me,

    But when it comes to learning, I’m always willing to try.


    -Freddy Cruz

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    tonia18 commented on Learned with my Heart


    i was reading this an the part that says 'I learned that a friend can wound you In ways no one else can' got me the most cuz i lost my one an only best friend she was there thru most of my break up an when i was crying an when i did something stupied but now were not friends all cuz of some rumors tht some one said i spreaded around the school



    It is those we love the most that are capable of hurting us the worst. It hurts because we actually care what they think or feel about us. I am sorry to hear about your friend. I've been there, and all I can tell you is be strong, and don't close your heart, because you might just close the doors for a beautiful opportunity at something amazing. I don't know what the situation is, but try to work it out as best as you can, and don't let pride or anger get the best of you because love is not proud, it is not angry, it is understanding, humble and forgiving.



    me an her have tryed to work it out and it just wont work out yea i do miss my best friend an she doesnt want to be friends again but in the end i do want another best friend but i cant replace her



    I'm sure no one can ever take her place, but just keep in mind all the love she showed you, and how you helped each other grow. Just because life sometimes frowns on us does not mean we must bury the beautiful memories, no, keep them alive in your memory, forgive her if you love her, and carry on forth with faith.



    i will never forget the thing we did for eachother and yea i love her as a freind an i forgive her but she wont even talk to me to even talk it out

    Insideme commented on Learned with my Heart


    Wow what a powerful write, so full of love and lessons we all have to learn. Great Job!



    Thank you :) I am very glad you enjoyed it.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    freddycruz89’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My Body Holds 4
    What's It Like? 1
    Always You 11
    Before You Go, Tell Me… 3
    Heavenly Tears 5
    Goodbye 6
    One More Thought 1
    Tell Me 2
    Learned with my Heart 2
    Lost and Found 0