

  • Love


    I wish I could write infinitely

    About all the beauties and senses

    And be able to truly describe how I feel

    But words fail me now


    Unlike my feelings;

    Always vibrant and flexible;

    Always eloquent;

    I'm inspired by you.


    And every time I try to say it

    I get quiet and shy

    Because these words,

    So difficultly put together

    Ultimately don't express

    that by your side

    I feel complete.

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Rbrandao’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    RED 0
    Inevitable 1
    Untitled 0
    Nos que nos amavamos tanto 0
    Unravel 2
    Lovers 1
    A life less ordinary 0