Last Sky


  • Nature

    Last Sky

    Years I've been just growing towards the sky
    many things I've seen many friends seen felled
    seen sunny skies clouds up high birds in sky
    look out my last many years roots have held

    Feel the wind kiss my leaves gentle rain falls
    branches full spread take in the air around me
    sun comes out my old friend seen me grow so tall
    look down upon the forest floor many friends see

    Sadness fills every branch i look out on my last
    feel the pain the cutting saw embedded in me
    will miss my forest all my friends all my past
    look back as i fall no more sky will i see

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    am2anangel commented on Last Sky


    great metaphorical write enjoyed the tree to life comparison. well done. -Tonya

    inkmaster commented on Last Sky


    A great tribute to the forrest..I spend a lot of time there myself. ~Inkmaster~ Jeff

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Fuzzy’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Devil as my pillion 2
    For want of a word 1
    Last Sky 2
    Need to bleed 0
    Gallows Revenge 0
    Death Walks 0
    Devil Out 0
    Cry in the Dark 0