lakugo's eulogy


  • Death

    lakugo's eulogy

    Some come, and go like the wind, leaving only feelings,

    yet we remember the hurricanes, and tornadoes that carved a path through our hearts,

    some are as smoke, dancing with silhouets,

    drifting upwards to the heavens, leaving behind only ashes.

    When i am gone my words will be as the wind coming and going.

    you will remember my actions only by the monuments they created.

    think of my spirit as shimmers of light in the darkness.

    The body i leave, no longer able to sustain my soul, is now, only a Remnant.

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    Khalaera commented on lakugo's eulogy


    True of us all; did you know your self well are you saying goodbye to the past of mistakes that you might have made, in any case you write very well.

    PunoAngulus commented on lakugo's eulogy


    Nice imagery. It show what some artists and writer feel. Will there body of work be remembered or forgotten in the future. Emotionally gripping.



    Thank you its what i was looking to accomplish, I believe that its not death that scares people rather its being forgotten.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    lakugo’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    For Peace and Serenity 3
    Rose Colored Glasses 2
    Life 1
    Life is like 1
    our love 4
    A Butterflies Dream 2
    A Butterflies nightmare 5
    The Comparison Of Night To A Dream 2
    Untitled and Undecided 3
    Earth's Euology 1
    Le Morte De Lakugo:(Dialo
    gue with Lucifer)
    the light in the darkness 2
    Atmosphere (burning within it) 4
    Growth & Decay 2
    Webs In Windows 2
    lakugo's eulogy 2
    untitled: an answer to a question never asked 3
    morphinevs life: this from my myspace blog 2