just words


  • Emotional

    just words

    are they really just words that you write, or an entural battle you always have to fight.how do you say them, make it all come out right? to make other's understand what you mean, you must take them to places inside you unseen. deep, dark and covered with time, dusty and broken some covered with slime. do they share your meaning, or think your just insane? because your words take away some horrible pain. a past injustice or hidden memory? when you let them inside for a peek at the real me. what impact do their words have on you? can you always belive that they are true. even the ones you don't wanna hear, always keep the pain close and dear. no matter how hard you try to make it go away, some part of you thinks of it everyday. so pen and paper is how i get my release, to get the pain out and retreave some peace. so if you read something ive wrote, don't always feel like i need a vote. cuz all they really are are words written on paper taken up space. and with one move it could all just as easly be erased. just enjoy the tiny piece i give up free, cuz thats not even a speck of the person inside me.

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    Baby69 commented on just words


    Your poems do speak from the heart. I do the same with my poems. When I am happy or sad I write how it makes me feel at that moment.

    SalDante commented on just words


    again, i really enjoy reading your work. i can't wait for more. keep it up and good luck. love ya.

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    lovinsmind’s Poems (1)

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    just words 3