Just Listen


  • Sadness
  • ,
  • Anger

    Just Listen

    You say that your listening but i can tell ur not, nobody is.
    Why can't someone just listen to me "please don't push me away",people come to me with there problem and expect me to fix it, i help but get nothing in return "i don't expect anything" all i want is for someone to listen, to let me talk about whats on my mind and whats bothering me "am i being selfish".
    They look at me like im a little insect that needs to be killed, but they decide not to because ill no longer be able to help them "there the ones being selfish" i want to be dead because when im gone no one will know what i was thinking or feeling and they will regret it and carry that guil forever.

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    lunamarie commented on Just Listen


    Dear Dangerous, I understand how you are feeling, however, it is not a good idea to wish bad upon others ... it takes time, but you will realize that what you give will come back to you ..... you will see ... my best, Luna



    thnaks for the advise Luna =)

    gogant commented on Just Listen


    You have some good thoughts here, Danger, but if you are only 14 (I have a feeling that you are older) please don't mirror in life what you express with this piece.................................g.



    thanks and thanks for the advise, and i really am 14

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Dangerouspoet’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Your Love is too Much 0
    The Game is Over 1
    The End 1
    Hurting and Dying 1
    Just Listen 2