Just How High!


  • Political

    Just How High!

    Just how high can the human heart rise
    In a world so full of uncaring eyes
    Where animals suffer and children die.
    And people fight wars without knowing why.
    Where alcohol and drugs cause wasted lives
    And shelters are full of unwed mothers
    And battered wives.

    But should the day come that man learns to care
    And no longer wants just to take but also to share.
    And he learns that everything has the right to live
    And that life is something he can take
    But can not give back.

    When he learns to approach life with a heart full of love
    For everything on Earth and in sky above.
    When he learns to do these things,
    He will have opened the door to knowing 
    Just how high the human heart can soar.

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    Vampire commented on Just How High!


    Diversity should bring people closer. Where we lack others wouls use their strengths to help us. In return we would return that favor. Banality though has done its job.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Estefany83’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Special Person 1
    Just How High! 1
    Betrayed. 0