

  • Life
    • jickyjack
    • I have recently had my book "Brain Etchings" poetry from a cynical old geezer published. It is available on or you can contact me here.

    Poem Commentary

    Too many nights interrupted by thoughts from a restless mind.


    A racing brain
    does not inspire
    many fruitful thoughts
    it wakens me
    from sleepy dreams
    leaving me distraught
    what will I say
    what did I do
    what really must be done
    ticking clocks
    creaking floors
    a coming morning sun
    a racing brain
    keeps me awake
    while others sleep so sound
    relaxing now
    fall back to sleep
     thoughts racing back around
    jolt me awake
    no sleeping yet
    nocturnal weary harm
    now slipping off
    dozing quiet
    hear the clock's alarm

    Poem Comments


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    rsalassi commented on Insomnia


    Again, I apologize for being a bitchy old woman. I really like this piece.

    dahlusion commented on Insomnia


    A lovely "insomnia poem"—I have one titled "3AM Insomnia". Please read and comment. Bravo on this one!

    Charlie23 commented on Insomnia


    Those nights when sleep seems so far, so true as you write, it's just as you drift off when the alarm rings it sound.

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    jickyjack’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My Father's Passing 4
    Kairos 2
    A Lost Mind 2
    Insomnia 4
    70 to Life 3
    Am not a Woman 2
    Death and Darkness 3
    The Phone Call 2
    Needless Tears 3
    A Wrenched Heart 3