Island Of Time


  • Fantasy

    Island Of Time

    Island Of Time

    Standing quietly on the mountain top
    I look out onto the calm blue ocean,
    Dreams of the unknown lead my heart
    to places far out into the sea.

    Far away I see the island of time
    floating above the ocean floor.
    I stair out onto the water motionless,
    while the wind caresses my warm skin.

    Wonder fills my soul as I dream of what life holds.
    The island has such beauty for the eye.
    Feelings so intense rise up within me as I dream
    of the love waiting for me there.

    My heart beats faster as I ponder the moment
    I arrive on this island of pleasure.
    Alas, I can not walk on water and I
    can Not fly.

    So I watch and wait for the moment
    life will take me to my island of time.
    My time, where all will be peaceful.
    Contentment will be in my heart.
    Peace and love neverending.

    by: A Dreamer: Susz

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    castlemist commented on Island Of Time


    Wow, Susz...I love this. I can feel your island and the warnth and hope it provides...great work! Jerry

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Susz’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    What Makes Life Worth Living 2
    Island Of Time 1
    Life In Itself 1