Indian Princess


  • Fantasy

    Poem Commentary

    Based on the Indian princess that sat by my bed when I was small.

    Indian Princess

    Sitting on the bed she watches over me
    Holding my hand when the lightning strikes at night
    telling me everything is going to be alright
    Her hair is long, braided and black.
    Her skin is wrinkling and she likes to keep me safe at night

    Indian princess is what she says
    Reminding me of a long journey ahead
    She rubs my hair and pats my hand
    and keeps me safe when the monsters try to pass
    With her in sight I feel safe at night

    Sitting by my bed she tells my mom I am o.k.
    That the doctors will find out my test the next day
    The slide I took was a fun ride
    To bad I didn't make it to the bottom side
    The boy who pushed me will be punished tonight

    Indian princess puts her hand on my head
    and makes the bump disappear again
    She tells me tomorrow I can go home
    And she will be there to keep me warm

    Years have come and gone
    though I haven't seen her since I was small
    I know that she is always there
    Ghostly figure I know I will see her one day
    My Indian princess, my ancestor and me.

    Poem Comments


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    PRober commented on Indian Princess


    very nice recollection of something conjured or real hon? Either way, good poem!



    it was real, at least for a 8 year old could be.

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    dustyrebel70’s Poems (42)

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