In the blink of an eye


In the blink of an eye

This life, a lucid trance
With charms of night and day
Potions of love and chance
Leaving nothing more to say
Glimpse of a shooting star
Brings dreams back to form
Wiping away the scar
Making you snug and warm
The fancy wishing well
Is closer than you think
Enchantment and a spell
Are yours in just a wink
Stop searching for the wand
No wizard you will find
Don't you look beyond
Cuz magic's in your mind
This life, a lucid trance
With charms of night and day
Potions of love and chance
Leaving nothing more to say

Glimpse of a shooting star
Brings dreams back to form
Wiping away the scar
Making you snug and warm

The fancy wishing well
Is closer than you think
Enchantment and a spell
Are yours in just a wink

Stop searching for the wand
No wizard you will find
Don't you look beyond
Cuz magic's in your mind

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Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

kavsrao’s Poems (1)

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