I Wish


  • Life
    • hippiegirl
    • I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not

    I Wish

    I wish for love;
    I wish there was a cure;
    I wish for safety;
    I wish for peace.

    I wish I could help;
    I wish I could save the animals;
    I wish I could protect the innocent;
    I wish I could be there when i'm needed.

    I wish nobody died;
    I wish upon a star.

    I wish to be a hero;
    I wish for war to cease;
    I wish I knew everything;
    I wish I could give the right answers to all the questions.

    I wish my wishes would come true

    Poem Comments


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    lastyl commented on I Wish


    "I wish" there were more people in this world with a heart as big as yours. Great job!! Enjoyed reading this very much.

    SuSpence commented on I Wish


    Another excellant write, after reading this, 'I wish' I could meet you haha, the content here shows the beautiful soul which exudes, apparent from your words. I can see why bryan cites Pearl Jam below, but this reminded me a lot of John Lennon's 'Imagine' as well. Keep Writing! -Spence

    bryanpaul86 commented on I Wish


    Makes me think of the Pearl Jam song 'wishlist', but that's probably because I read your profile. Cool words.



    Yeah, same idea, my own thoughts. Guess we all have our wishes...even Eddie Vedder :)

    fathermadness commented on I Wish


    i wish to, i wrote one like it but its an i'm piece it's called "I'm"

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    hippiegirl’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    teenager 6
    Something Strange 2
    Afraid... 6
    Please 4
    bleed 4
    sick 1
    Youth 2
    I Wish 4
    untitled 0
    Goodbye 2