I Miss


Poem Commentary

I am a member of Original Poetry from what we from then call the Glory Days. I have been away from this site for 4years now, and it kills me. I was a member for at least 2years prior to leaving. I was a weekly winner who was published in the Original Poetry Anthology Part 1. I loved this place, along with so many others. It is but a shadow of its former self, if that. I hope one day they can turn this place back into the haven we used to have here.....

I Miss

I miss the joy I used to see;
Share by the others here, with me.
The joy, the pain, the anger and fear;
Put out in the open, for all to see and hear.
Its done now, our haven is destroyed;
Thusly our poets are all deployed.
They're all gone now, I'm left alone;
And my haven is still breaking, crumbling stone.

My window is in shambles, as I haven't been here;
The shudders are broken, falling with my fear.
The window sill is cracking, breaking my trust;
The glass is shattered, along with any will of must.
My haven is breaking, and I can't fix it still;
No matter how hard I try, no matter my will.

I miss my friends, all the people that I once knew;
Some have left, unknowing I miss them, without a clue.
I'd rewind time if I knew this would be;
So that I wouldn't lose touch, them I could still see.
I miss my haven....

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toredbloodink commented on I Miss


Wow hope as I am still redbloodink. You are hope and I still have hope in you... Faith in God above I hope you know you are loved... Come back and see me hear under another new name but I still care....



I miss you

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

HopeOhlarik’s Poems (2)

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I Miss 1
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