I Hate part 2


  • Hate

    I Hate part 2

    I hate the things you do to me,
    I hate that I let it happen.
    I hate how you're in control
    And I always have to give in!
    I hate how you make me feel
    Sometimes its just so unreal
    I hate the lies you speak
    I hate the thoughts you think
    I hate the way you are
    And everything you can become
    I hate that I'm your toy
    Controling what I say and do.
    I hate the way I can never resist you!
    I hate how your my king,
    But I'll never be your queen!
    I hate the constant pain I feel
    I hate that I cry
    I hate how I'm abused,
    Everytime I think I might die!
    I hate how everything is yours
    and nothing will ever be mine!
    I hate the way I stay around,
    And I let you keep me down!
    I hate that I'm always saying that I'm sorry,
    Even when its not my fault!
    I hate hating you,
    Which is why Im so wrong!
    But most of all I hate myself,
    Cuz I will never be strong!!

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Pezzy11’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I Hate part 2 0
    I hate.........
    Emotastic 1
    Unknown 0
    untitled 0
    Not Usable!! 0
    Dream Cutters 0
    My Love 0