

  • ?
    • JudeDruid
    • May 19th is approaching so fast! -gaspers- I love you Zaq!

    Poem Commentary

    this is for lonewolf162 idk whats wrong but i hope that u will feel better


    a lone wolf bustles through the trees
    he is distraught
    with anger and pain he howls
    tonight is not the night for compassion

     games must wait
    happy must be put on a stall
    his pack hopes he will come back
    they love him after all

    he is hurting his family by leaving
    but he knows better than to go back
    they growl at him
    they snarl and howl

    he just walks on by
    with a snap of his jaws
    and a swish of his claws

    he hates to leave
    but he'll hurt them more if he stays

    the lone wolf walks
    a distant howl is heard
    it's not the last of this single wolf
    but the story ends for now

    Poem Comments


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    earthly commented on howl


    I like poems a wolves-it's an instant fav...Earthly

    BringMeBullets commented on howl


    A good, solid ending. You couldn't ask for more than this. The reader stays interested from start to finish. Great write. Thank you for sharing.

    UnoMono commented on howl


    This poem is an easy read that gives an emotional depiction. I sympathize with the wolf..I too walk a lone and distant trail.

    dahlusion commented on howl


    you have a playful imagination which is so important for a poet to possess. Nice rhymes. Solid delivery. Peace and Light, Dah

    ShadeBlackcat commented on howl


    this very creative, keep writing like this, its very good

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    JudeDruid’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Her Smile 3
    Kiss Me Till Tomorrow Comes 3
    je t'aime 6
    howl to the moon 7
    howl 9
    meh ( a stoopid little poem ) 5
    i have something to say 6
    No ones alone 11