How do I?


  • Love

    How do I?

    Let the Euphrates tell the Cherubim,

    I’ve seen a glimpse of Eden.

    Sound the trumpet to the heathen,

    gateway to heaven is in her eyes.

    The innocence of a lamb,

    The beauty of blue skies,

    The sexy of fractals,

    her eyes, the trio form.



     Don't look further for my daisy,

    better than daisy is planted in her eyes

    How can I trade this for a million damsels!

    Her touch, I can’t trade for purest rubies


    Sweetie, my friends call me crazy.

    How do I explain….explain  your smile,

     that melts my mountain of anger

    or the current your touch sends down my spine,

    or the sweetness of your lips against mine

    that it’s better than honey

    How do I explain,

    Explain your bite?

    deep into my bare skin

    that it’s not painful

    that it’s a bite I crave

    crave for each night?


    Hey pilgrim!

    tell my folks

    I’ve seen a beauty of sunset,

    I have followed her

    to the world we make

    the world of our own

    I’ll bring her home someday

    to live with us till the end of time


    Copyright Gbenga 2010

    Poem Comments


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    soulwriter commented on How do I?


    I so get this,,, love the loosened lines that intertwine and lace your thoughts with feelings that are personal and yet unique to the reader. I so get this "The sexy of fractals,"! 10

    nonners commented on How do I?


    i loved it what a beautiful ode to a dear friend . I felt the passion in every line.ty and bravo!!!!

    bluepetal commented on How do I?


    is is actly very good it shows the true colours of people we love and how others think we are all crazy for it well done

    Sydney commented on How do I?


    this is a really good poem. and an awesome dedication poem. thnx for sharing. Sydney

    SuSpence commented on How do I?


    What a beautiful expression of your love. I am glad I found this when I did, I have found love again, the first time in a long time, and it is more powerful and meaningful that it has ever been and reading this gave me butterflies thinking of my love, I can feel how true your words of love are. 10 from me my friend. Peace and Love, Spence



    Thanks Spence. I wish you the best.

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Gbenga’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My Name is Travon 0
    How do I? 8
    The night I fell in love 16
    Till I get there 4
    Even in death 11
    Without you 15
    End like the beginning 10