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I need help
school is driving me insane
all of my frieds keep arguing over sitting next to me
it is irritating
She said he said all of the time too
you get to i dont bla bla bla
its so stupid
it is so irritating
ur a brat ur stupid argument after argument
i hate it. it make me mad
i wish it would stop and end
i wish it would never happen again
but no it won't cuz people can't live without drama well i CAN
i can it is so easy if people would just try
but no they don't want to
So i give up and will just not talk to them
then they will cry but i won't care it will be their own fault
they will go to their back up friends and leave me alone and get yelled at by their back ups
i will laugh]
haha hehe lala
they will cry and it will make my day
haha hehe tee hee lala meme
they will finally leave me alone and i will be happy with true friends
and be together forever
and ever we will come up with our own thing

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combatrider commented on help


Is this a poem or are you blowing off steam. Why not use what you feel to move the words around a little. Everything hurts a little or why else could we feel it? You will do fine.

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

ILCA’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
help 1
Buddy 1
love at first site 0