  • Emotional


    When I look in the mirror
    I see the face of a strange woman- withered and old
    Scarcely a speck of my youth has remained.
    The sad part...
    According to statistics -
    I'm supposedly only entering the prime of my life.

    What a joke!
    I am old and haggard.
    From what, you ask
    My reply -
    It took a son and his mother
    To break my spirit and just about kill my soul...

    Day in and day out
    Twenty four seven
    For twelve years
    Four months
    And one day
    I have been your obsession
    You have emotionally abused me
    You turned a son upon his mother
    You hurt me untilI was lying flat on the ground
    You repeatedly kicked me when I was covered in dust.

    Who gives you the right to play the innocent victim
    Is it love to break down a person's character daily
    Is it affection to call someone a fat pig and a bitch
    Is it perfection to hit your young son with what ever you can grab

    It will never be your privilege to hear me beg again.
    You are vicious, vindictive and manipulative.
    It takes people years to see through you
    Some people will never get to know the real you.

    You run to the authorties, to the social welfare
    You play the sweet innocent little, hurt victim
    You are always right and I am always wrong
    You make sure that you will kill my voice before I am heard

    To your utter dismay, I have survived it all.
    Not only did I survive....
    I have thrived and come out on top.

    Today my voice will be heard!
    Today they will understand who and what you are.
    Today I will say...
    "Mia culpa maxima"
    The world should have known who and what you are
    A very, very long time ago.

    Poem Comments


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    organicchick commented on 1999


    I am sorry that you had to bear so much pain for the sake of love. This is a really good poem.....very expressive.

    mbryant53 commented on 1999


    This one s full of such emotions and very private indeed. You are very brave to let this one be born. Bravo it is the only way a Poetess can vent and heal. I felt your hurt and you expressed it very well.

    Gizina commented on 1999


    Well written! Deep! It made me cry.

    Paradice21 commented on 1999


    Very interesting piece. It was pretty good though.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    mystiq’s Poems (2)

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