Gambling with life


  • Life

    Gambling with life




    Horse racing is a mugs game

    So is bingo and the pools

    Drinking, drugs and smoking

    But without them we are fools


    If we did not have our pleasures

    What would we do instead

    We would go around like zombies

    So we might as well be dead


    To drink and smoke without the dope

    It will keep your mind at rest

    And whatever problems you had before

    You can get it off your chest


    You can get tipsy and be happy

    When you go out for a beer

    You have been out with your friends

    Good luck God bless and cheers


    But hard drugs are a different story

    It can ruin your life and kill

    If you can get hooked or addicted

    Thats when you slide downhill


    So take it from a reformed drinker

    just take life in your stride

    Never drink while your driving

    And hold your head with pride


    By Billy Hughes 2003

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