Friendship Of Love


  • Friendship

    Poem Commentary

    In loving memory of a great friendship I shared with a woman who opened up her heart, home and arms to myself and my children...

    Friendship Of Love

    Our gifts are so beautiful from God above
    Especially when brought threw a friendship of love
    When Jesus is the center of friends brought our way
    The power of his love will fill us from day to day

    Arms are for hugging and tear ducts to cry
    How much better shared in a friendship that will not die
    I praise the Lord for our gift of eachother
    Sometimes the bond is as strong as a Mothers

    A mother loves the child that through Gods strength she bore
    But a Christ filled friendship breaks into the core
    Radiant love is then showered on us
    For without eachother we dry like the dust

    So one of the gifts God could have given
    Besides the beauty that Jesus has risen
    Is friendship that holds to the others burdens
    Especially in times when we are most hurting

    So use your arms as a gift from the Lord
    Reach out to your friends until they are hurting no more
    We cannot remove eachothers scars or pain
    But just one teardrop for eachother is not dropped in vain

    So I praise my Father for the gift of a friend
    Where even in heaven the friendship will not end.

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    SavVySam commented on Friendship Of Love


    Good Morning lulu~I have enjoyed reading this poetic tribute to special friendships! They truly are gifts of love from above! TC;)



    Thank you SavVy...Your so kind. Friends sometimes are the rocks that keep us from falling to peices arent they? Thanks..take care...

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    lululuvsgod’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Always Greatful 2
    A Place To surrender 1
    Comfort 1
    The Victory 1
    The Seasons Of The Lord 1
    Friendship Of Love 1
    The Scene 0
    I Was Chosen 0

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