Friendly Foe


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    Friendly Foe

    Fleeting lifes no friend, 
    but two-faced taunting foe
    leading to where all who end
    seem hesitant to go
    mon ami, mon ami, mon ami
    we have met yet not completly
    though you accosted me with a smile
    and i am glad that you did greet me!
    why after a short while
    must you beguile bereave and cheat me?

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    jenifer commented on Friendly Foe


    life in a nutshell i suppose it speaks of. reapers time it makes its ecsape to that i suppose we wish it would leave us alone.



    yeah . thanks for the comment!

    ladynight commented on Friendly Foe


    short but sweet. i like it. it rhymed very well. to me it speaks of death. the grim reaper is the friend that greets you. that is just what i got out of it. whether or not that is what you were going for i'm not sure.



    yes, thanks alot for reading and responding

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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