Original Poetry Forums

Having Issues Please help

08-29-2011 at 09:51:39 PM

Having Issues Please help

I have been not writing here for some time and those that know me well. Lets just say its been some time. I have my reasons for not but I have gotten continual messages from Dah. or what ever his full name is. he wrote this first pm to me a while back and we can come to an inpass. I have told him he is basiclly out of luck if I am going to carry out his request because I really don't owe him anything. These are the conversations as well as all my responses you take it for what it worth and you do with the information what you will. I tire of this bantering and doubt Dah will stop so the best I can do is share the conversation and my views with you so you can take all this information and do with it as you will. if you wish to add to the thread do so if you have an opinion I would love to hear it for this I feel is the best way to close the issue. Thanks for your patiance in this matter and hope it will be resolved soon. either way you will all bare witness to it Plot121 Aka Robert lee Niswander

You know what I thought about it and I found what ever I say you still want to rant away and act like you know what the hell your doing. Well I tire of this all together you want my answer to your response about erasing you from my contact list and all that. It really hasn't changes so your SOL and To boot. I think this will go on and on and you will still spout out crap over and over a cycle of stupid pissing contest that you think you have a right to do. So I will place this in the forum and poets can read for themselves just what they think or what they want to do. Whatever i say or do you will still continue to plead that I erase you from contact list ect. I have no reason to talk to you or keep this thing going on. So your just going to have to settle yourself with me posting this whole thread and those that choose to read it can and they can all make up thier minds for themselves. So thats what I am going to do you keep this up I will do as follows. Keep posting your rants until the poets know how completely insane these actions of yours are. I would not have to say another word because your actions will tell my story better then I could so go on and rant go on and insult do it if you will and I will just post my answer in the forum and let all poets decide what they will. I think I have made myself clear. How stupid are you to keep this going only time will tell. The balls in your court, do you really want these poets to see just how inmature you wish to be? I don't know your next reply should be none but if you were any brighter then a 2 watt light bulb you would continue this mindless rant because trust me your not going to get what you want NEVER so deal with it! I don't owe you a thing and your asking me to do this for you is a privilage not a demand I don't do privligese to self serving ego maniacs so get used to it. Plot121 Aka Robert Lee Niswander....

Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Thank Me? You think too boldly of yourself Dah here is reality
Sent: Mon 08/29/2011 @ 4:59 PM
Again: and let me repeat this for a third time:

All I asked of you was to remove me from you contact list,
and "your reply was filled with insolence and accusations aimed at me",
and you have the audacity to not only write this crap that I just read
but to send it to me too.

You really need to check in with reality, and stop sniveling and whining,
and get on with your life...

As for your opinion about God and me, well... God is a dream!
So wake up!!

Original post by Plot121:
Narrow mindedness seems to be you drug of choice. I spoke my words clear and my views with total conviction It was by thier choice if they made them to be insults. I don't like Owners and I stated why. I gave props when it was needed but as of late no one not you or anyone has shown me that they have not got a hidden agenda for themselves. We all do. As far as you thinking I am simpton or lacking in any intellegence again thats an opinion your and I don't share it with you. If you don't wish to talk to me or even have anything to do with me then why do you talk to me so much. You either are cut and pasting all this and showing the whole world or your doing it to feed your own ego. Make no mistake I still have things to learn but in truth the only real things I can learn from you constant yammering is tolerence. For in the end That is all you really require of me. The fact you want this to go on and on just states to me you won't let it go. You all have proven your point I lost everything and I am almost alone. But hey I been there before and I walked away. This time is no difference. So tell me why you give so much pleasure pouring salt on an open wound? Why do you feel the need to stamp out someone that has no real recourse to fight back. Does that make you such a great man to hamper those that are so beaten that its harder for them to return. Do you hate me or people that much to see nothing more then harm to them. If so then I guess what ever is said from this day forth will make no difference. You will be justifided in calling me names and kicking me while I was down. When in truth I never really did call you a single thing. Why should I act upon hurting my foe when they seem so predictable they do it to themselves. 50 years old and as long as I known you you have spouted and hurt people with your words. Have you not learned that we are really not foes here. You made me to be such to boost yourself with others fine I understand that. But what you don't understand is what I spoke to them was from the heart and it was in truth. Instead of being insulted by it they could have gave exsamples of how they differ. They Did but they still think I was making a personal attack to them. You were not at the conversation so your hearing it from hear say. Beleive what you will. I know what I said and I am cable of knowing what would be the ending results. Do I regret what I said no. I would say it again. I think before you continue to make this go on. You think about what you should say. No one cares the stage is closed and the audience has went home. Your vile of poisonous words worked. What more do you need to have to feel like you are completely supior to me. For I am a human like most men just like you we differ in the way we think. Yet I don't take hear say as proven facts. You do so go away I tire of this game of yours please as far as erasing you from my list or all that. Like I stated get over it I have nothing more to say to you so pack your pout bags walk out the door and don't let God hit you where your mom split you as you leave. Always a smart ass always evolving. Plot121 Aka Robert lee Niswander...

Original post by dahlusion:
I am well aware of my egoism,
and the sad problem is: you are not aware of your own
—you may want to get a grip on that reality.

Do you actually think that there is only my ego
at play here and not yours? —your simpleness humors me!

I hear you as a shrill sound begging for followers
to show you the way, and when somebody "politely" asks to be taken off
of your "follow me" list, your extreme ego screams insults, lies, and bullshit,
and more bullshit, and more bullshit…

and like I have said: it's nothing that I can't handle.

The difference between you and I is: I am smart enough
not to insult the owners of web sites that I wanna' be on.

Anything else?

Original post by Plot121:
I am SO glad you think so highly of yourself!!! What a fitting tribute to a man such as yourself!!!

Original post by dahlusion:
All I asked was to take me off of your list
and you had to mouth-off once more
instead of just accepting it and moving on.
Typical you!

Don't you get it??

Listen: Your insolence is your enemy,
your mouth is full of it
—denial and blame are your explosions,

and don't puff-up your chest to me;
do it while you are facing a cracked mirror
—there's your real enemy!

Your insecurity/arrogance/insolence are instruments
of your own making—you can push your finger
into my chest all you want with your blame-game
and you are the one who has to live with your delusional perspective.

Hear this: You openly insulted Michelle and Dan (and booed them in an OP Forum)
and you have the raw audacity to point your crooked finger
at me. You simple fool. You simple suffering fool.

Own up to your own disaster;
look inward, you are a wreck,
a real piece of work rusted and broken.

Any more of your ENDLESS BULLSHIT that you would like to throw at me?


I can handle you or any other losers
who want to cast their foolish nets over me.

Original post by Plot121:
Ya I am sure that will happen as soon as you confess you were very instermental to getting me booted off the site. But that again is my opinion if you think I was not aware you were inormation gather for mindnumbing you sorely mistaken your words and actions basiclly stand for themselves and you are not worthy of any action of mine so basiclly deal with it. But as far as any trust in you or showing any basic friendliness this door is closed to you and remember it. It was your decision to do what you did and I have seen what you have pulled with others so don't think that I have any doubt about your sincerity about anything you say. I think that terminates this conversation your quote alone says looking forward so that means leaving the trash behind. I hope you understand what I am saying if not I could draw you a pitcture. Plot121 Aka Robert Lee Niswander...

Original post by dahlusion:

Please remove me from any of your contact lists that you may have my name on.


cool smirkcool smirk

Last edited by Plot121 08-29-2011 at 09:53:21 PM

09-01-2011 at 10:24:00 AM

RE: Having Issues Please help

follow your heart and dreams, never let, ever, ever let he-bitches in your path.
Give the Change Crew plenty of time, they are making their rounds., ok
All this Heart is scanned.

Now you David Ness, and Dah Helmer, stop your games with Madelynn.
She is smarter than both of you shall ever be.

Her writing life is the best hands.

And you owners of O.P. can you feel the mice, ya you can.

and Pac, your heart is never forgotten.

And you Poets of Blood, your work is safe, and we are trying to find, the right team to handle the Cause.

Bet, ya...
And if anyone has some thing against me speak.
Until then write your asses on....

09-14-2011 at 06:17:43 PM

Dah is not smarted then a two watt light bulb Here the proof!!!!

Are you completely bored? No, No no, Just lonely right. Nah that can't be maybe your tired of arguing with others that think your nuts? Anyway I am so staggered at the thought that you keep doing actions that I would consider as less brighter then a 2 watt light bulb. It can't be. I would give this type of credit to addictive mindless rants to Freelance Tata or maybe Shannon. That is why I am so amazed that you actually replied to this and said you were done. You told me to hit delete and it would end this. Did you not read my last post did you not read my last series of posts. I am sure you did I cut and pasted the whole thing. Yet here we are you stating I should do you this favor because it is the right thing to do. I have not sent you a pm nor will I ever again but I will continue to post it in here you want this to stop then stop posting Dah and it will all be gone. Are you so mad at me that you can't see that I will never follow any directions from you. EVER! How bad do you wish to carry this on just don't reply don't post just crawl under the rock you came from and go away. I will not now nor ever do anything you ask why because I could care less about you and your needs. The fact an action like removing you from my list will give you some sort of peace does not move me to do anything but kindly chuckle as I hut and peck this message to you. I turned this into a circus hmmmm. Well your the only one with the spot light and every time you type another you add to it. So this is the 6th time now That I will tell you the same story, the same answer, the same tale. NO!!!! As far as screw ups are concerned well I made mine and will most likely make more. but I will continue to post your comments in here I got over 30 views so far how many other poets do you wish to know how insane are you. So tell me folks you want me to stop or just continue? I did what I said I was going to do and I will not be diswayed by people that refuse to take no for an answer. So tell me Dah are we done or do you have anything else to say about how I just won't do what you want. Trust me what ever you do say and send to me you will bet it will be posted on here come on bud what else do you have. I got all day long how stupid do you want to show these poets you are? Balls in your court , grow a couple and walk away or whine and ask for more your choice I will be waiting always sarcastic and ever evolving Plot121 Aka Robert

Your insolence has become completely uncorked, so much so, that you have to turn your own screw up into a public circus to serve your inadequate existence. Listen: Stop attempting to suck the life out of other people to make yourself shine. Since first coming to OP in January 2009, I noticed that you were already tangled up in negative relationships with a dozen members. You received so much flack for harassing these OP members that you left OP for several months only to return and start again. You were the originator of the now famous OP Forum Wars (which you are trying to create once more). Again: Stop attempting to suck the life out of other people to make yourself shine. And for the fifth time: Take me off of your contacts list. It’s a really simple request, and even simpler to implement: Highlight my name in your contacts list and click “delete”. Done!

Your insolence has become completely uncorked, so much so, that you have to turn your own screw up into a public circus to serve your inadequate existence. Listen: Stop attempting to suck the life out of other people to make yourself shine. Since first coming to OP in January 2009, I noticed that you were already tangled up in negative relationships with a dozen members. You received so much flack for harassing these OP members that you left OP for several months only to return and start again. You were the originator of the now famous OP Forum Wars (which you are trying to create once more). Again: Stop attempting to suck the life out of other people to make yourself shine. And for the fifth time: Take me off of your contacts list. It’s a really simple request, and even simpler to implement: Highlight my name in your contacts list and click “delete”. Done!

Last edited by Plot121 09-14-2011 at 06:24:55 PM

09-15-2011 at 01:51:11 PM

RE: Having Issues Please help

hey PLOT... that would be "smarter than" and not "smarted then" a two watt light bulb.

I am sorry PLOT for having to correct your bad grammar and spelling,
but if you are going to slam somebody in a public forum (because of your need for an audience), at least be "smart enough" to use proper grammar and spelling... )smiles)

and you could have at least put these "private emails" in proper chronological order—it's no fun reading them from the last to first.

now, for the sixth time: take me off of your contacts list.

Last edited by dahlusion 09-15-2011 at 01:52:19 PM

09-15-2011 at 02:11:06 PM

RE: RE: Having Issues Please help

Originally posted by wordslinger:

Dah Helmer, stop your games with Madelynn.

...and for you Word: Madelyn telephones me and we talk for hours, so if there is any game playing/finger pointing—ask her; she knows that I don't play games with her.

Maddi and I have a longtime, unique relationship that is none of your concern. If it should be anybody's concern, then it should be her husbands.

Now get some rest, and stop harassing me...

anything else? then bring it to my "private email" and stop using public forums...

because nobody cares.

09-16-2011 at 10:26:19 AM

RE: Having Issues Please help

Who is PLOT? I am plot121 are you sure you are talking to the right man? Hmmm, well if its me you are referring to I would have to say this. I was never much for spelling that was never my strong suite just ask around. I seem to muddle through though. At least if and when I do right people can understand what I can say. For the message although may be stark or real it is there. Yet I have not seen you Dah actually do this feat. So I guess give and take we have our own issues. As for you 6th question about me striking you from my friend list. Well I guess the answer would have to be no. Yet I may see some sort of compromise between us here. For I am a man not beyond reason. Yet it would take some afforted effort from for me to do as you ask but nothing that would be demean you as a person. Not that you replying to the same message over and over has not done that yet. If you are willing to do as I ask I think I may be pursaded to do as you ask. But I not giving an inch until you do what I ask well I will talk to you soon Dah. Hey I wonder if we could get this thread to reach 200 views. LOL would that not be the most odd thing you see. Poets want to know how are arguements going. Well as you can see my spelling is off a bit so like the other thing just deal with it I have to deal with you. So it can't be that bad Plot121 Aka Robert Lee Niswander...

09-17-2011 at 02:54:40 AM

RE: RE: Having Issues Please help

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

follow your heart and dreams, never let, ever, ever let he-bitches in your path.
Give the Change Crew plenty of time, they are making their rounds., ok
All this Heart is scanned.

Now you David Ness, and Dah Helmer, stop your games with Madelynn.
She is smarter than both of you shall ever be.

Her writing life is the best hands.

And you owners of O.P. can you feel the mice, ya you can.

and Pac, your heart is never forgotten.

And you Poets of Blood, your work is safe, and we are trying to find, the right team to handle the Cause.

Bet, ya...
And if anyone has some thing against me speak.
Until then write your asses on....

09-22-2011 at 12:33:30 AM

RE:: Having Issues

Looks like your still posting to me?grrr

09-23-2011 at 09:34:50 PM

RE: Having Issues Please help

Well I got the last message a while back again I directed my comment to Dah and no one else. Thank God he has not reposted but time will only tell Oh well Life goes on. Looking to bury this problem soon cross my fingers LOL. I can only hope. Plot121 Aka Robert lee Niswander...cool cheese

12-12-2011 at 06:32:45 AM

Final Answer

You know in this case you were right Dal. How can I ask for forgiveness from anyone when I alone can not show the same thing from those that have been so rude to me. I always stayed away from being dictated to by anyone, and I guess it was not distane but pride that I never really followed through with your request. Maybe I am getting older maybe I just don't want to go down in history with my poets thinking I was always right. I hurt just like others do, and I will be the the first to tell you over the time we have spoken between each other. You have said some nasty thing to me and I have reacted by saying more things that just were hurtful yet it was done out of pain and for that pain. Such action really should hold no baring on what we want to do with our work. For whatever paths we choose for each other tainting it with insults is not the way. So I will take your name off my friend list. No bartering no hidden agenda. Just know I am human too and the wrong we have both inflicted upon each other did neither one of us any good. I would rather live without pain then use this form or any as alter I can lay my own suffering upon. We may never agree upon anything but I think its time to put it past us and do what what we were meant to do. Take care and your request is done Plot121 Aka Robert Lee Niswander....

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.