Original Poetry Forums


04-30-2009 at 01:22:37 PM
  • sk
  • sk
  • Posts: 64


Something VERY strange is going on with either this site or my page!!!
I tried to access another poets poems, but couldn't! I went to her site, saw her newest poem, clicked on it, but instead of seeing the poem I got a list of my own poems!

Then I went back to my homepage, and on MY homepage were the poems of another poet, with comments from HER homepage!!

Now I am unable to access either MY poems OR anyone elses! Every time I try I get the poem list from ANOTHER poet...when I try to open THEIR poem on MY homepage, all I get is another list of poems from yet A THIRD poet!!! ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

cool mad cool mad cool mad cool mad

04-30-2009 at 01:44:24 PM


Originally Posted by sk

Something VERY strange is going on with either this site or my page!!!
I tried to access another poets poems, but couldn't! I went to her site, saw her newest poem, clicked on it, but instead of seeing the poem I got a list of my own poems!

Then I went back to my homepage, and on MY homepage were the poems of another poet, with comments from HER homepage!!

Now I am unable to access either MY poems OR anyone elses! Every time I try I get the poem list from ANOTHER poet...when I try to open THEIR poem on MY homepage, all I get is another list of poems from yet A THIRD poet!!! ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

cool mad cool mad cool mad cool mad

Sorry About this issue. I am looking into it now. When some stuff got updated today this may be the cause of all this.

Please hold tight and I will have it fixed soon!

04-30-2009 at 01:46:08 PM


This just started happening to me to. I don't even always get my own when I want to check for new comments, but I don't always get someone elses either. Something is wrong ... I trust it will be corrected soon, thanks, ken cool smile

05-12-2009 at 12:54:37 PM
  • henry29
  • henry29
  • Posts: 3


Owner of this site.

I came here to relieve my stress by writing a few words of my own life.
I did not come here for someone to say I did something I did not.
I read other poets poems but I do not rate or leave comment because of all your silly dramma I see on here. I got my computer from my aunt when I was visiting her.
She was lost baby she has not been on this site for anything.
I dont know of anyone by the name of poet or who ever he is. My father is dead.
I do not score anyones poems because I didnt want to be bad mouth over something I said.
I dont even know the people who are saying this crap. But Dude if that is the way your site is,
I will be sure to spread the word about what kind of site you have..
This so called shannon, I thought you were a good poet but I take it back anyone that can make up stories is not a very nice person. I live in Florida....
If you want to ban me for reading others poems then you send me notice!
Henry29 mad

05-12-2009 at 01:24:51 PM


Originally Posted by henry29

Owner of this site.

I came here to relieve my stress by writing a few words of my own life.
I did not come here for someone to say I did something I did not.
I read other poets poems but I do not rate or leave comment because of all your silly dramma I see on here. I got my computer from my aunt when I was visiting her.
She was lost baby she has not been on this site for anything.
I dont know of anyone by the name of poet or who ever he is. My father is dead.
I do not score anyones poems because I didnt want to be bad mouth over something I said.
I dont even know the people who are saying this crap. But Dude if that is the way your site is,
I will be sure to spread the word about what kind of site you have..
This so called shannon, I thought you were a good poet but I take it back anyone that can make up stories is not a very nice person. I live in Florida....
If you want to ban me for reading others poems then you send me notice!
Henry29 mad

The only way you can get banned is by not complying to the terms of service or they get multiple justified complaints (which in most cases is pretty hard to accomplish).

I'm not so sure why you feel your getting banned question

I don't think you have much to worry about grin

05-12-2009 at 03:32:58 PM


Hi I just joined up, but there is something wrong with this website. I can't access many things. It keeps saying "error on page"
I have written 4 poems and posted them. WHere do I find them? Can't find them.
Can't get into the chat room, or meet poets room, and just can't make it work. Any advice? question

05-12-2009 at 03:53:38 PM

Re: problems

Originally Posted by katmin

Hi I just joined up, but there is something wrong with this website. I can't access many things. It keeps saying "error on page"
I have written 4 poems and posted them. WHere do I find them? Can't find them.
Can't get into the chat room, or meet poets room, and just can't make it work. Any advice? question

Hi and Welcome excaim

We were experiencing a lot of server lag today due to the increasing amount of users. Please bear with us as we upgrade our servers to handle all of our users.

I have checked out your poems and they posted fine.

Try clicking Myaccount in the top right and you will be able to see the recent poems you have submitted.

If you have any further problems please let me know. grin

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.