Original Poetry Forums

About The War In Afghanistan And Why It Should End

12-05-2009 at 03:07:07 PM

About The War In Afghanistan And Why It Should End

I read a colonel who fought there in Afghanistan can testify much good was accomplished there; good that can continue in the hands of the U.N. and the Peace Corps. So let us concede that is not a reason for continuing the stinkin' war.
1 2 3 4 we don't want no stinkin' war

Premise ending the war will cause chaos is the reason the stinkin' war was started. Never was there a reason to start it; therefore no possible victorious end! You can't end something you never should have started.
1 2 3 4 we don't want no stinkin'war

A scary bedtime story told by the head of a family that emigrated to the
U.S. from Afghan. thru an intern'l rescue agency was that the Russians
withdrew because of the caves which are part of the natural terrain in
Afghan. Though the freedom fighters were outnumbered in sheer Russian soldiers and military firepower it was of no use because the tanks could not enter the caves where the fighters planned and held their defense. The caves are still there and even though there are one hundred al queda there it would
be foolhardy to attempt to do what the Russians failed to do....i.e. be victorious.
1 2 3 4 we don't want no stinkin' war.

Lastly, in our society where the people have the power to our way of life they have spoken out that:
1 2 3 4 we don't want no stinkin'war,
and, chanted very clearly 'it is our land and we want it back'.

It is about time, we the people unite and work hard at getting our heroes
out of harms way. Like in every family, you protect your own first and that is a common denominator none of us can debate.
It is a veritas....1 2 3 4 we don't want no stinkin' war

P.S. I respect my president but was saddened by his decision to continue the war in Afghanistan another three years if the media reports it correctly. I can understand sending an immediate surge to take out the servicemen serving there and getting them home. But, I can't agree another three years is a good decision because of the terrain made up of numerous caves. That is why the Russians had to leave. So, I would like if others would join me at Poets4Peace websight so the president can hear loud and clear it is not a good idea. In fact, this old lady, believes we would be supporting him to carry out the most important promise during his campaign. I just can't get out of my mind he would renege on that promise. You see, I feel the Senate and the House of Representatives are a clique unto themselves and just wouldn't vote to end the war because they are beholden to the corporates....the corporates that are allowed to rob us dumb and blind; and then our taxes even supply the bailout to recompense them. cool hmm

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.