Original Poetry Forums

Wecome To The UPA Contest issued for all

04-07-2009 at 01:44:43 PM

Wecome To The UPA Contest issued for all

After all the comments and suggestions within the thread. I have concluded that no matter who I pick, people would say I am being bias in my search for these founding members of UPA. I have thought about this dilemma and have come up with a satisfying solution. Out side myself and USPSLADY all of the founding positions will be picked by the site. I will have a contest. For those with the right requirements to participate. The requirements are you need to have at least 10 different poems of 10 different subjects on this site. You are also required to have at least 4 different genera in your profile you have written on. An example of this is Inspirational, Erotica, Horror, and or Love or any other genera that may fall under these categories. Also one of the requirements is that besides the weekly challenge of the group that will be picked by a founder there is also a second challenge that is called on the fly. This challenge states that any poet of the group can call out any another member of their picking. Give them a subject to write on and a time limit to have to do it on. The Time limit and subject has to be agreed upon by both parties. After the challenge is complete the poem is to be posted with the UPA on the fly challenge typed at the bottom of the poem. The person that made this challenge is to be e-mail or contacted via pm and told the title to it. That person has 24 hours to comment and rate the poem. If he or she don’t they lose the right to challenge any other member for a time being. This will allow others to progress in their work and get an abundance of comments and rates. With the challenges as stated there is one more thing that we all need to abide by.
There will be zero tolerance calling out other members by insulting foul vulgar names. If you have an issue with another poet you are not allowed to slander or write hurtful names or any of the sort to the person in real name or in pen name. I think we have all learned from the past here that hate only gives to hate. If you have an issue with another poet please be respectful and kind for no matter what you think they are they are still humans like yourself please act as though it was your father mother brother or sister. We can make this to be our family just respect each one like you would want to be respected. If you do not follow this simple rule you will be ousted without regard. This will also banned you from any event that the group is doing as a whole. Any marketing aspect or sharing of web space or copyright info or books that may come to pass down the road. You will not have a second chance on this. No matter who you are. If you have done any slanderous poems about anyone on this site prior to being here. All of them needs to be removed. Any forums that call down any other poets or group will not be tolerated either. This action against fellow poets will not be tolerated in this group at all. We all have the ability to communicate effectively so lets put it to good use. Because the rating system has gone to the toilet as of late. Any rates that are written in the comment section alone will be counted. The winners are the one to have over 10 comments on that poem and the rating that is marked in the comment section has to be over 7. So please comment and put your rating in your comment.
These will be tallied up within a week and the top 5 people will be given applications for the group. If any of them can’t fulfill the requirements then the application will go to the next runner up. This forum will be closed out by this Friday which is the !0th of April. On that day all of the requirements will be posted and the contest rule will be given thank you and all of your help. Plot121 AKA Jaded1 AKA Robert… cool smile cool smirk excaim excaim excaim

04-07-2009 at 01:51:44 PM
  • FoF
  • FoF
  • Posts: 72

Re: Wecome To The UPA Contest issued for all

The intent of your group is entirely different from my interests in helping to make better "writers". Good luck with your contest.

04-07-2009 at 04:59:16 PM

Re: Wecome To The UPA Contest issued for all

Sounds good to me I wouild like to Join

04-07-2009 at 05:41:21 PM
  • sk
  • sk
  • Posts: 64

Re: Wecome To The UPA Contest issued for all

I think I'll have to pass on this...I'm not much into competition poetry writing, but good luck with your group just the same!

04-08-2009 at 09:01:17 PM

Re: Wecome To The UPA Contest issued for all

hehehe wowzers such limits to poetry like its an Olympic marathon! No dis my brother but the exclusion to who chose to encourage those who are growing. Me thinks that maybe two teams of like minded poets to challenge under different rules for each team, cause I know a eleven year old whom I would like to encourage more and would be proud to pass time in poetry growing. I do love a challenge but for me the rules go beyond personal growth. Red team verses blue so to speak, like maybe something others could attach to.

04-08-2009 at 10:34:23 PM

Re: Wecome To The UPA Contest issued for all

kinda sounds like fun... i guess i could have a go at it!

04-09-2009 at 05:02:56 PM

Re: Wecome To The UPA Contest issued for all

Sounds interesting and fun.I'd like to be a part of it.

04-16-2009 at 03:11:32 AM

Re: Wecome To The UPA Contest issued for all

I cannot wrote a poem on command so I guess this is not for me either but good luck. smile

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.