Original Poetry Forums


10-16-2009 at 07:26:33 AM


Poem Comments:

The poet is a teller of a tales in this fascinating poem that took my breath away, had me spell-bound, for a moment. He succeeds in bringing various horizpns very close to his listeners , or in oher words, he succeeds, in taking his listeners beyond the horizons.

The development of the imagery of this poem from: ''fhe first horizon is a grassy edge" to " the last horizon is a galaxy" is regular, logical and beautifully explicit. This poem is a perfect example of pentameter verse. Meter signifies the recurrence in poetic line of a regular rhythmic unit. It is determined mainly by he relation of strong and weak accents or stresses of the syllables in a line. Regularity of metre in a poem,. enhances the cosmetics of a poem, and subsribes to better control of his art by the poet. It also contributes to easier reading or listening. Stardrift's remarkable rhyming skill in this poem is to be greatly admired.

This is a perfectlly and exquisitely crafted creation. I have to read more of Stardrift's poems to ascertain whether regularity of metre amd rhyme are his forte and disciplined art.

My rating for this perfectly crafted poetic tale is `10+++

Last edited by cousinsoren 10-16-2009 at 07:25

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.