Original Poetry Forums

Poetic Monthly Magazine

07-14-2009 at 11:22:49 AM

Poetic Monthly Magazine

I just wanted to put in a plug here about this wonderful literary magazine that I write for.
Poetic Monthly is soon to be a widely read success and we are looking for more loyal readers to bring it more to the forefront to be distributed nationally. You can not only view the issues online, if you enjoy having a copy in your hands, you can subscribe to the print version! It has a great layout and our publisher, Martin White is currently working on a new printed format for even easier reading. This magazine has anything and everything literary. It not only includes poetry, but it has articles on self-help in writing, and also includes short story submissions from staff and readers alike! My article Poetry is More than Just Rhyme
is currently in the July issue (it will be found under my pen name B.M. Song).I will be submitting my next article soon for the August issue.
So, if you would like to check out Poetic Monthly, you can determine if it's worth the read. You won't be disappointed as it has so much to offer. Also in August, I will be interviewed on the Poetic Monthly Radio Show as a published author. That's right! They have a radio show, across the board forums, etc. Something for everyone! Check it out!

Thanks everyone!
Bri smile

07-14-2009 at 03:48:21 PM

Re: Poetic Monthly Magazine

Hey Bri, this is a great idea!
How can I work with you guys, I'd like to
have my own article in this blessed magazine as well!!
I also have a lot to say, and an article would be more than great.

I didn't know you did this grin
You must have a lot of connections...

-Lady P. surprised

07-14-2009 at 04:25:37 PM

Re: Poetic Monthly Magazine

You have to go to the site at Poetic Monthly and on the left side bar it will have the email to Martin White, the publisher, to send your inquiry to. He will give you all the details!

Poetic Monthly Magazine

However, I am the editor-at-large of The Satin Letter, an ezine on myspace, my best friend and I have co-created. We are currently looking for another staff writer who has a good grasp of writing for the love, romance, and relationship genre. We need someone who is willing to go above and beyond to get a great article on the subject! Some research may be required on some articles, especially if we give a specific assignment. We also take poetry, story, and artwork submissions from readers on the subject as well. if you are interested in being a staff Writer for The Satin Letter, you can email me:bmsong@publishedauthors.net and send a sample article along with 2 pics, bio, and cover art of your book to be promoted as an author as well! Let me know, if this interests you, Nneka!

Thanks so much for your interest!

bri smile

Last edited by BrielleC 07-14-2009 at 04:28:24 PM

07-14-2009 at 07:32:47 PM

Re: Poetic Monthly Magazine

When it rains .. it pours!
Congrats on your numerous accomplishments and many more to come!
I love your moxie, your outstanding talent refuses to be held back!

Continued success,
StandingBear zipper
Drivingczar zipper

07-14-2009 at 07:34:19 PM

Re: Poetic Monthly Magazine

Thanks so much!!! Glad I have Moxie!!! it helps in this business!!

Bri smile

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.