Original Poetry Forums

Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

08-02-2009 at 07:31:08 PM

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

hey dragonfly, here is my poem.


08-08-2009 at 04:14:58 PM

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

It was suggested to me, by Ginga, that I should post one of my poems in this forum. So, I checked it out and I too believe that you have a grand idea. So, as suggested, here is my poem.

The Worlds End

The world is shaking violently
There are reported rockslides all over the world
The mountains are falling quickly
The ground is shattering beneath our feet
But we are still laughing

The roots of the trees eradicating from the ground
The plants are screaming in agony
The leaves are quickly decaying
The flowers shriveling as the world dies slowly
But we are still smiling

The birds are flying, trying to escape their fate
The animals are running around, frantic and in vain
Dogs are barking madly
Even the Wolves have stopped singing
But we are still happy

The temperature is increasing
The plants have all died
The earth has started cracking
And the water has all dried up
But we are still dancing

The sun has exploded
And the people are perishing
The animals are all fading
The world may be at its end
But I will still be holding your hand.

08-11-2009 at 04:52:43 PM

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

I am aware that a wake up call is being answered by a select few, reactions to the actions in situations of self destruction, however too we as a human race live in a “me society” of "we have to have it all now" - living for today at any cost, not always weighing all the consequences. I don't personally do enough and I often neglect the simple things as in recycling because it is inconvenient. We have to save each of our environments one day and one action at a time, to rescue the planets health as a world whole – NOW not LATER! At this moment in time we must stand up as a united EARTH or know that the revelations of our consequences will be our Apocalypse!


Vanishing to be banished in the quiet deafness of not listening, a selective blindness to the warnings of what’s going wrong.

While firing mind impulses of confusion, we fail to have a conscience to recycle our ways of thinking and doing.

We are being eaten alive by our incompleteness of using until it’s all used up, misplaced in waste being a waste of time.

Never free from drinking the poisons of participation, drained from the deep wells of this evolution of pollution.

How do we separate the mass murder of trees and seas, from our toxic pleasures?

Landfills of hedonistic satisfaction, never fully measured to the sacrifice of the tragedy of sorrows when living for today to die a quicker tomorrow.

It’s a human degradation, a continual blasphemy against this world’s survival.

Where’s the obsession to avoid self destruction; is it lost in an indifference of having to own up to our own personal hole in space?

The planets fever is subconsciously going up, the heat never coming down – short circuiting existence in apocalyptic revelations.

We must view all that we have persecuted - the sky is bruised from our abuse, swallowed up in gradual disappearances.

Melting from shriveling sun rays; earth’s immortality is being executed as it dissolves through the trap door of an emptying atmosphere.

How do we replace the diminishing oxygen of our infinite sadness, for we can feel the air drowning us?

Current quality of life abandons us to live knee deep in the filth that has become our gas chamber?

Don’t let the combination of our generation’s last breath be the demise of every tomorrow.

In this human house we mustn’t be content in waiting for a certain death; if we cease to do we cease to be.

Tears won’t purify the sickened and stained waters, and falling birds don’t fly.

To what extent do we forfeit infinity, can’t we all bear witness in that we’ve become an endangered species?

Vanishing to be banished in the quiet deafness of not listening, a selective blindness to the warnings of what’s going wrong!

Copyright © 2009

Last edited by soulwriter 08-11-2009 at 07:37:37 PM

08-14-2009 at 05:46:27 PM
  • WatashLegend
  • WatashLegend
  • Posts: 67

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

Here is my 2nd of 3 dragonfly http://www.originalpoetry.com/protect-your-mother

08-14-2009 at 06:59:22 PM

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

Dear Nelson,

I am no longer displaying these pieces here at Original Poetry. I like to keep moving wink

Here they are, as promised. Thank you so much for the invitation.

May God continue to bless you in this wonderful journey.




"Reverence to Mother Earth"

Humans, influenced by the processed
fruit, her kindness share,
Rejecting the warmth embrace of
Mother Earth's womb.
Only to walk toward suffocation, to human
race annihilation,
To desecrate your temple would simply
be blasphemy!

The beauty my eyes perceive is like
a brilliant diamond,
Sparkling light in immeasurable
facets. A masterpiece from our
God above; carelessly, unappreciated
by the us, human kind.

Sweet and Powerful Mother Earth,
We are your children;
living in the great womb, seeking
your nurture. Cultivated in the
fertile soil you provide,
washed in the waters of
your sweet embrace.

Continue to give your blessings unto
us!. Allow us to lay humbly
upon your perfect breasts.
Forgive our senses of destruction,
Let us be filled of your
oxygenated breath!

Erika Brown
Copyright (c) 2009

"Reverence to Antarctica"

Antarctica, Dear Land of Ice and Snow,
With your hidden ocean, protected by
greatest mountains, overlooked
by the naked eye, during conversion
from chilled water to ice.

Disappearing, gracefully into warmer
hearts, meeting all three oceans,
face to face; the Pacific, the Atlantic
and the Indian. You offer frost
and chill to their heated love.

A humble plea, from us the humans,
who constantly spoil your embrace,
Undermining, the need for water,
the need for air, who only offer you
toxins, and not beware.

Please, maintain the rising waters and
convert them back into a piece of you.
Protect our Ozone, so that our children,
can live long, so that humans can
live free of harm.

Erika Brown
Copyright (c) 2009

"The Cedar Tree"

Under a tall cedar tree,
Who lent its gracious ears,
My heart was once set free,
From all my deepest fears.

Patience, comfort and love,
Was all the tree could show,
A seed from God above,
Fertile soil, well bestowed.

I paid a visit to this friend,
In search for its great might,
I found its story with an end,
A vanished tree, without a fight.

I will miss my dearest friend,
Who lent its gracious ears,
A part of me until the end,
Without the midnight fears.

Erika Brown
Copyright (c) 2009

Last edited by jademelissa74 08-14-2009 at 07:01:44 PM

08-21-2009 at 05:16:49 AM

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

What a wonderful and worthy idea! I hope that this poem will be along the lines you had in mind. If you so choose to use it, it is with my blessings.


Thanks for doing this! PS. Will you need our names?
*Copyright 2009


08-21-2009 at 11:43:15 AM

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

A new poem for P.O.E.T.S. The world is crying

he world is crying, From the years of pain,
Scars that have been inflicted upon it,
Poisons and fumes that destroy and kill,
It weeps for itself, As no one else will,
Rain pours down from the heavens,
Trying to wash away all that is bad,
Till all is drenched and drowned,
Puddles seep into the ground, Slowly,
Try to cleanse, To purify a world poisoned,
To flush out the living evil we have put there,
Through out all the years, All the pain,
Waiting for the sun, Evaporation,
Where does it go then, In the end,
We recycle this and that,
Now we even recycle death,
Effects are major, life shaking,
Extinction is threatening us,
Do we, Can we, Hear the call.....

Richard E. Cartledge PHOENIX 8/21/2009

After thought!!!!
(We care not for what we cause,
Solutions evade us for we care not,
Too few, Too little, Too late,
The motto of the human race...)

08-23-2009 at 09:52:25 AM
  • poetography
  • poetography
  • Posts: 608

i don't get it

i don't get it

cool economy
hot earth

buildings replace nature
and cars spew gasses

solution ?

build bigger and
sell more cars

i don't get it

08-24-2009 at 09:55:08 PM

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

Feel free to use my poem!


They are crying loudly
in the fetal sprawl
crying of earths dying
of losing it all
yet few sacrifice
their greedy little needs
plastic in the landfills
bags in the breeze
moaning and crying
for dear planet earth
crying poor to the masses
with money in their purse
like the medieval priests
so smug, sacrosanct
demanding others confess
repent of their stink
while they wallow in gluttony
greed and undress
emotional pleading
without sacrifice

How many live in mud huts?
the most eco material
or refuse plastic clothes
eat homegrown cereal
How many don't drive
or buy food from overseas
they're pounds overweight
they do what they please
they're not gonna walk
now that's just insane
but they cry for the glaciers
over and over again
they stroll through the stores
and indulge all their lusts
then preach about nature
they bitch about "us"
While they sooth their sad soul
with a word that says green
when china gives everything
so cheap it's obscene

As for me
I don't really give a shit
If i cared or somehow
grew tired of it
I might consume less
might bike a lot more
might even walk
twenty miles to the store
But I like my car
and the food in the store
coffee in the morning
persian carpets on the floor
I like air conditioning
and the chemicals I keep
that keep bugs at bay
in my food that i eat
I might join peta
those misguided souls
or bomb a lab
who knows who knows

But you won't hear me crying
We haven't much time
oh please save the earth
the animals are crying
I'll be in costco
or safeway or sears
filling my cart
stuffing my ears
or watching television
or typing away
on electronic devices
so miners can play
and dirty the earth
so i can have fun,
well fed, well clothed
that's how it's done!
I'll destroy it in comfort
with wood on my hearth
before the ten billion chinese
destroy it first!

08-31-2009 at 01:29:38 AM
  • WatashLegend
  • WatashLegend
  • Posts: 67

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

Here is my third one Dragonfly http://www.originalpoetry.com/act-now

09-12-2009 at 05:51:26 PM

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

Thank you for the invite. You are most welcome to use any of my poems you think will fit with your awesome idea dragonfly. I know you already like Spirit Of The Falls and there are several others I think would fit nicely with your genere. Peace and Thanks again,HC grin

09-14-2009 at 10:57:26 AM

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival


I think we discussed this idea in a private message some time ago. I didn't notice this thread, so figure I'll just post the links to the two poems I mentioned in the private message:



And now that I think of it, this one might work as well. It's really about poverty and hunger, but aren't those one aspect of what we are talking about here?



10-22-2009 at 11:10:33 AM

Re: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

wink more ongoing threads ...
i'd love to contribute to P.O.E.T.S. ... please consider this my permission, and the link is:

Thx DragonFly, and Wordslinger for bringing attention here ...



12-29-2009 at 11:42:30 AM

RE: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

i should send a note to dragonfly1023 ... any movement on this? quite a response from OP!! would be fun to put these together in a chapbook!! smile smile

with much luv!

01-03-2010 at 10:03:23 AM

RE: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

I agree...this is too important to fall by the wayside. I can't recall if I entered anything on this project so I'll pledge to do so right away...


01-03-2010 at 12:09:23 PM

RE: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

Glad to see this is back on. Great cause. You still have my permission to use the three poems I sent you. Good luck and thanks for heading this up!


01-03-2010 at 01:17:51 PM

RE: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

Glad to see this worthwhile project is still being pursued. Still only have the one piece I contributed. Have made a small improvement to it so am re-posting. This is a worthwhile project. Let us know how we can help to keep it going. I've included the url and am posting the poem here as well.



Craaaack, groooaan, swooooosh, kaboom!

Deep in the forest a tree hit the ground.

No one was around. Did it make a sound?

The perfect conundrum for ancient philosophers

Their time and space so different from ours

Almost forgotten, the birds, bees and flowers

Sadly, we worship steel and cement towers

Much more technology!

Far less ecology!

Craaaack, groooaan, swooooosh, kaboom!

Deep in the forest a tree hit the ground.

Was anyone there when it was downed?

Brilliantly back dropped by a sea of green

Plethora of colors like any unseen

Up in the lush canopy akin to the ocean

Trillions of leaves, incessant motion

Way down below, a mighty howl

The strong and hungry are on the prowl

Craaaack, groooaan, swooooosh, kaboom!

Deep in the forest a tree hit the ground.

Does anyone care if it made a sound?

Perfectly camouflaged, jaguar salivates

Sitting on a log, hiker contemplates

Humbled by the awesome dimension

Not even the slightest apprehension

Giving in to a protective notion

Carefully applying repellant lotion

Craaaack, groooaan, swooooosh, kaboom!

Somewhere nearby a tree hit the ground.

What if it hadn’t made a sound?

Too close for comfort, hiker knows

Could’ve been dinner, but different wind blows

Philosopher at heart, he looks for meaning

This chance encounter, oh so revealing

One life spared, dinner denied

What if falling trees are multiplied?

Craaaack, groooaan, swooooosh, kaboom!

With increasing frequency trees hit the ground.

Are we capable of understanding this sound?

Bulldozers clearing, fires burning

Loggers working, axes churning

Habitats shrinking, bellies crying

Cities growing, forests dying

Terribly alarming!

Global warming!

Craaaack, groooaan, swooooosh, kaboom!

Around the globe shrinking forests abound.

Our collective silence continues to astound!

With gratitude,

Conscious Messenger

Copyright (c) Carlton J Buller 2009

03-18-2010 at 03:18:45 AM

RE: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

Hello Dragonfly....you can have my.... http://www.originalpoetry.com/home/poems/view/title/what-complain-thee or.....http://www.originalpoetry.com/home/poems/view/title/cleansing.....................^_^ v

03-25-2010 at 07:22:35 PM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

Here's three of my poems you can use! What a fantastic idea.



07-06-2010 at 09:29:13 PM

RE: Join the P.O.E.T.S. Platform Of Environmentalists Toward Survival

I haven't heard from Dragonfly in a long while. He used to write me and last time I talked to him in 2009 he seemed like he was not continuing to host this forum.

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source