Fleeting Moment


Fleeting Moment

I see my own eyes in the car mirror today.

I see my two boys in the back seat behind me.

I hear the deedley-dee-dees of their silly little song.

Their snorts & giggles as they poke at each other.

It occurs to me,

“Hang onto this moment. Wait! How can it be so fleeting?”


I look back at my eyes. Some fine lines around them.

That deep concentration groove just above & between.

Realizing, as the  deedley-dee-dees cascade into daily business sounds of grabbing backpacks, checking for lunch tickets,

it’s gone.

The moment has passed.


The boys climb out. “I know, Mom. I got it Mom. Seeya Mom.”

That irrational part of me wants to holler out

“Load up! Get back in! Let’s take today back.”

It’s not too late. We could have an ice cream. Take in a movie.

Play the board game we never seem to have time for.


My youngest looks over & waves. I know what’s expected. It’s a race.

Maybe today will be the day he’ll beat the car to the end of the fence.

How can I deny him the race? I stuff the urge to grab my greatest treasures in the world. I bury that primitive, protective, selfish impulse.

We race. I win again. Maybe tomorrow will be the day for him.


One more glance in the rearview.

My eyes are still here, stunned at the speed of the now departed minute.

It’s already a fading snapshot.

What other moments can I expect?

With escalating freedoms, the rear-view mirror glances are numbered.

I imagine the deedley-dees will be replaced with earphones & head bobbing.

Maturity will probably weed the snorts out of the laughs.


Dare I hope that they won’t ever be “too cool to love my brother”?

Heck let’s go for the jackpot. How about “cool enough to still love my Mom”?

A mental shake, back to the daily routine.

I can’t help but wonder if I’ll catch the next moment? Where will we be when my mind is suddenly slowed with the hook of a passing instant? When the world, in it’s unending progression reminds me that even though it’s a good moment,

This too, shall pass.



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onyxprince commented on Fleeting Moment


I love this. Knowing that moments in life are precious and knowing that no matter what they change as life progresses. Great read!!!

bforibus commented on Fleeting Moment


i love the thought. the imspiration to hold on to all dear moments. it just didnt have a song to it. it felt more like a short story then poetry

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

jg’s Poems (1)

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Fleeting Moment 2