

  • Erotic
    • Realtalk
    • is trying to spill her heart out..tonight at Embargo


    Arise to a new day
    next to you and feeling like
    honey molasses on your fingertips
    like joy rising high from pain
    like the sun, the moon and the stars have formed in such a delicate way to bring you and I..
    here and now.
    drip drop goes my heart
    to the sound of whispers down my neck
    a trickling I will never forget
    did I mention I am moved by the spirit of your smile
    touched by each and every sigh..sigh..sigh
    Let us melt like this, legs intertwined
    your heart next to mine
    beating truths- among hopes -beside destiny
    I am a treshold of emotions as I release myslef from the arms
    which fulfill my every desire
    arise to a new day,next to you
    feeling like the world is at my fingertips becuase I am at yours

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    Crush commented on Fingertips


    i had to reread this, it is in my favourites. this is such a wonderful poem from top to bottom.

    StandingBear commented on Fingertips


    A beautiful, light erotic work you've created. Great write.

    Niecy commented on Fingertips


    There you go talking that 'talk~real' This passion of love expressed so by light...bright, taste...sweet, emotion...high and nature...pure and lovely....please Lord let him cum..." find me," I wanna feel this love! Whew! Agnes get out of my head! Excelent write queen!

    SILKYTWEED commented on Fingertips


    HOTT!! Nothing else I can say, thanks (smile)

    daydreamer23 commented on Fingertips


    beautiful poem Aggi

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    Realtalk’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A question of love 2
    Fingertips 5
    Emcee 7
    Message To My Brothas 10
    Black Dante’ 7