Fight to the end


Fight to the end

As morning comes and light hits the earth,
We lie asleep, whilst somewhere there is birth,
A miracle has yet again been brought to this place,
By a wondrous power, one which we will someday face,
at a time when even those of past life,
Will rise again for the moments which ends our strife.

This day will come after many toil and sorrow,
To release us from all the evil and sin of tomorrow,
For our world is not how it was before,
When indeed, then too, there were pains and grief galore,
And to see what our home has become today,
It makes our heaven seem so very far away.

We strive for Peace, Love and Happiness,
While others make a living by taking our gladness,
And take anything and everything leaving only sadness,
But have faith I plead, for we will be rid of this madness,
Whether its at the end of all endings or by means of new beginnings,
The Lord will help the faithful, and ensure them a place in the Heavens.

So keep battling and overcome all these things,
Your love will determine what the future brings,
Before this day when all God's faithful people will be,
Saved from his wrath which we all should fear to see,
For our home which God created so carefully,
Should have been a place of only Peace, Love and Harmony.

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purdylox commented on Fight to the end


thanks for asking this to be read I am left with a smile and a peaceful feeling know that the home GOD has made for us is peaceful and ful of love



ur welcome. yeh its filled with ups and downs, good and evil, but its a fight to the end and the end promises to be rewarding depending on the path u take and how u see life, thus how u live ur life

KING commented on Fight to the end


Perfect flow man. Sometimes as a poet it is difficult to maintian but you do it flawlessly and without effort. Impressive. Hopefully the peace you are referring to from the great one (thats what i call god) comes soon enough.



Its coming, tx for ur comment

bforibus commented on Fight to the end


i loved that u shown the different sides of the same coin. the thought and flow was very well done for the touchy subject of the after life. i enjoyed the read.

blue18al commented on Fight to the end


I hope that i will find peace, love, and harmony when all of the sufferring has ended. very good, i liked it

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Vasu’s Poems (3)

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Today, I am 19 2
Is it Real? 4
Fight to the end 4

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