feelings of my life


  • Life

    feelings of my life

    I hide behind a mask
    No one can see that task
    When you first look u see the happy
    Then you look past the mask and see the unhappy
    But the truth of me is to hard to see

    Other people cant see what I can
    So other people don’t under stan
    I see happy and the unhappy
    All you see is peoples masks and tasks
    You cant see there true personality and mentality

    When you can see what I see come talk to me
    That will probably never be you see
    Only people like me can see what I see
    Being me is no easy job you see
    It’s a eight to three job for me you see

    Life is all about choices that people make an take
    All people are fake like the purple rock snake
    I have made the same choices the fake people make
    It takes a man to understand the mistake they make and lie awake
    Not everybody can understand to the higher degree

    If you wear that mask
    It can be easy like A.B.C
    Or even one two three
    To know degree be me
    Take off the mask and just be free

    Life is under lock and key
    Its there to be unlocked by thee
    Everybody has the potential of unlocking this door
    Just open up and take off that mask and account for more
    Life can be like the ground we stand on or and crazy as the open sea

    Life is full of strife it’s a way of existence
    Like a paring knife it’s the quality of life in a distance
    Short and strong like Hong Kong
    So make everyday matter and use your sense of right and wrong
    Just be free to the highest degree

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    melki18 commented on feelings of my life


    Truth in everyword.. I like this poem.. I feel this way also.. I think alot of people have these feelings in their life.. Nice job once again.

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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