far away


  • Life

    far away

    by unmaker

    truth be told, i wear foolishness like a vest
    my arrogance returns each time i think it is layed to rest
    i'm the braggart, the hater, even the liar at times
    to speak without thinking is a trademark of mine

    each of us peddle whatever we sell
    extolling the glory of whistles and bells
    while avoiding the details we'd have you ignore
    until we cannot tell the truth anymore

    or is it just me?
    is this the person i've chosen to be?
    is it fate that has driven me sane
    or am i the culprit? i want to know who to blame

    to remain disconnected became my one goal
    perfect insulation for my timid soul
    in this i may never repent but who knows-
    the miles leave corners and secrets exposed

    i venture forth willingly, into the fog
    as we all do each second we borrow from god
    each with a candle, a pinhole of light
    illuminating only one step at a time

    i've roamed far away
    hidden from the light of day
    feared exposure, blamed sight itself
    asked the hardest questions, faced down hell
    yet made my way back home

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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    unmaker’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    far away 0
    long, cold year 2
    for the fallen 0
    the high cost of lowlife 1
    breath 1
    baggage 2
    signs 2
    righteous indignation 1
    happily ever after 3
    endless debate 2
    your type 6
    advice 5
    letitfade 3
    good intentions 3
    dissent 5
    dilemma 3