Falling Tears


  • Life

    Falling Tears

    no one cries for nothing 
    there's always a reason for tears 
    some fall for sadness 
    others fall for fears 

    no one knows why we cry 
    others could care less 
    but sonetime they fall when our hearts burst 
    with happiness 

    no one cries for nothing 
    there's always a reason for tears 
    some fall for sadness 
    others falls for fears 

    emotions that run real deep 
    brings out the water that makes us weep 
    a memory as wet as a well 
    is uncovered and begins to swell 
    ocean of tears begin to fall 
    thats when we lose it all 

    no one cries for nothing 
    there's always a reason for tears 
    some fall for sadness 
    others fall for fears 

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    celo43207’s Poems (24)

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