Essence Chapter I


  • Isajahkar
  • It's been a minute, but I'm back. I am going to post the rest of my short story Essence real soon. I hope thatevery will enjoy.

Essence Chapter I















The night air is cool, as a breeze moves in from the east.

It fills the calm sky with chills, it moves across the city like a frigid beast.


She lies in her bed, her cares and worries go free.

She is deep in her slumber, and is unaware of the dangers that be.


There is a crack in the window, the chills of the night creeps in.

She fidgets about in her bed; her blanket protects her from the wind.


While the young girl sleeps; a mysterious shadow moves towards her bed.

There is a strong smell that fills the room; the scent could wake the dead.


Closer the shadow moves; slowly it begins to take shape.

Despite the strong odor; the young girl still does not wake.


The figure stands over her bed; it’s soul grip with desire.

As the smell continues to fill the room; it burns into her nose like a fire.


She suddenly awakes from her sleep; when she felt the brush of its finger on her face.

She gasps in fear; she cringes in her bed as her tiny little heart begins to race.


Her frighten panting could be heard; as she pans her head around the room.

She is shocked to find nothing there; just the dark sky out the window that is beginning to loom.



Just as she begins to relax; she fills a sinking feeling next to her side.

She looks to her left; nothing…but she knows something’s there, she can feel it inside.


Then suddenly it gets cold, she can see her breath as it escapes from her mouth.

An unseen force grabs hold of her; she tries to scream… nothing but cold air comes out.


The young girl fights desperately to get free, but her efforts are proven to be in vain.

Tears of fear run down her face, as the figure leans over her and whispers her name.


“Cyan,” the figure whispers in her ear; its breath smelling like something that has met its demise.

It inhales the young girl’s aroma; its lust driven thirst fills its dark eyes.


The creature moves in for the kill; this dark shadowy thing from the night.

She can do nothing but cry as she lies there in fear and closes her eyes.


The night comes and goes; like a thief creeping in the dark.

Silence fills the air in the small house; except for the faint beating of the young girl’s heart.


The next morning is normal; the birds chirp and they sing.

The small chipmunks… they marvel in the new day the morning brings.


“Cyan,” calls out a voice, “it’s time to get up!”

“Your breakfast getting cold and I’m not going to heat it up!”


It’s Cyan’s mother, who waits patiently for her daughter down stairs.

She yells out to the young girl; “hurry up Cyan; I still have to do your hair!”


Several minutes passed; and Cyan’s mother continues to wait.

“Where is this little girl,” her mother asks. “We’re going to be late.”


“Cyan,” her mother calls out; but once again there is no reply.

Cyan’s mother becomes very worried; her concern can be seen in her eyes.


She places her breakfast on the counter and removes the apron from around her waist.

 She wipes her hand on a small towel then wipes the sweat off of her face.


“Cyan,” she calls out as she makes her way down the hall.

Her heart becomes flustered when her daughter still does not answer her call.


She approaches Cyan’s room, and gently leans against the door.

She respects her daughter’s privacy, so she doesn’t quite yet open the door.


“Cyan,” she says softly, “baby are you o.k.?”

Normally her mornings are different: they all don’t start off this way.


Because of that reason; Cyan’s mother’s concern grows.

Something’s wrong with her daughter; it’s a mother’s intuition… she just knows.


She grabs a hold of the doorknob as she feels a cold breeze comes from the bottom of the door.

Her heart is pounding heavily in her tight chest; she fears of what might be in store.


She opens the door slowly and braces her self for the worst.

“Uh,” she gasps deeply, “Cyan,” she yells out in a loud burst

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mdpoetgirl commented on Essence Chapter I


Excellent storytelling. This sounds like something out of a sci-fi or horror novel, and your descriptions are so vivid. The suspense is building and it leavs you eagerly wanting to know what's next. Great job.

jademelissa74 commented on Essence Chapter I


The imagery that you portray through this piece is chilling, terrifying, and the suspense bursts out throughout the poem. It leaves the reader wanting more. I needed more of Cyan, the whispering voice, the mother, the whole story! It is indeed a work of art. When should I expect chapter II, please? Great read for me!

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

Isajahkar’s Poems (5)

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Essence Chapter I 2
The Pussy's always Better 3