Dionysus and Apollo: Wielding the Duality


  • Philosophy

    Dionysus and Apollo: Wielding the Duality

    Rationale hard to maintain in the wake of the compelling
    Understanding both sides is a task, overwhelming.

    Can you only acknowledge what we know?
    Or will you expand it outside the seed we sow?
    Surf the apartheid, it sees the way to go.
    Apart from the tide, what seems to show?

    Black and white cannot be right
    Shades of gray brighten the light
    Wielding both aid your plight
    And able you for flight.

    You must die and be reborn by the grape vine
    Clean yourself out by way of the wine

    The sun keeps you aware of the ground and in touch.
    A prehending quality that is needed much.

    For where will we go if the path is unclear?
    But how can we progress if our bar is set near?

    Order the balance, balance the disorder.
    Order the balance, balance the disorder.

    Copyright, Vincent Decker, 2008.

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    catarino commented on Dionysus and Apollo: Wielding the Duality


    Forgive my ignorange, friend, but I'm having a difficult time cracking this. I invite the intellectual coversation you speak of in your comments. Apollo( as far as I know ) is god of sun and war. Bacchus , god of debauchary, also represents rebirth and is celebrated with excess of wine, sex, etc.. What exactly is the duality you wish to convey in this piece? Perhaps an explanation from you will enable me to better appreciate the depth of your message. Thank you for your time.



    you are not ignorant at all, my friend. i will gladly give you the duality. apollo, is considered more the logical side to existence, the rational, scientific, this is this, that is that, kind of aspect. Dionysus (or bacchus if you like) is more the irrational, unexplainable side to life. its the reason you may paint, write creatively as we do, etc. it seems irrational to the logical person, concerned about the sciences. this poem is about really creating a balance of both in your life, not all work and no play, if you will. i think this leads to ultimate happiness and enlightenment. highly relatable to my other poems. i hope i explained it well enough, if not, ask for clarification on anything i did not make clear. thank you for your time, and i will see what you have as well :)

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    causeofbalance’s Poems (16)