Destiny’s Confession


Destiny’s Confession

Here lies the empty carcass of Destiny.
Her heart closed up years ago.
The bitterness of betrayal tarnished her insides
and her soul escaped her body long before she closed her eyes.

Now today the princess lies,
an example of those who played the part before her.
Legs that carried the pretend smiles and make believe happiness
Desperate acts to please a world, selfish to the truths that hold them captive.

On the outside she beams with delight, yet on the inside there’s nothing,
an empty cavity that would hold immense love for him.
Then the day came when enough was enough.
The legs stopped playing partner to the deceit that pleased the world
and the pain revealed itself.
Only, she was no longer in pain, the world now cried.
The world now reached out, but to whom?

Destiny was miles away, had been that way for many years.
Blinded by the perfect teeth and dazzling eyes, naïve passersbys winked and grinned at what seemed like peace.

Who would have known what lies beneath the sheets? Or in the kitchen for that matter, when the pot flies and the words of hatred stings like the aftermath of his heavy hand kissing her cheek?
Who would have known that in her mind she was suicidal and had already committed the sin?

She now walks amongst the dead and the living…Destiny…Oh, Destiny…..her life seemed to have little meaning yet had become a definitive message to mankind.

And he rests behind the bars, waiting, pleading his innocence…..but is he?


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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

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