  • Religion
    • cbilliard

    DEAR GOD..

    Dear GOD..

    Oh Lord me stumbling upon my knees
    Trying to get the strength to talk to you
    Enduring so much pain and yet looking for blessings
    You must have a million of my kind waiting to get through

    When they say I’ve done to much to keep going
    But I’ve been delivered from far too much to look back
    I even had the Devil to accompany me along my trip
    And he brought all his evil plans in one knapsack

    I listen as your children read the Bible from right to left
    Rehearse phrases and memorize every quote
    They say all I have to do is repent of my sins and be forgiven
    So down on my knees I go..

    Dear Heavenly Father or Messiah or simply put “The Man’
    As I sit here and contemplate my destiny to lead in your perfect way
    Can you at least give me the game plan?
    When I say the game plan I mean, I’m not trying to do any wrong by you
    I heard the only way out this time is through hot coals and fire
    And frankly Im not in the mood for soul food.

    I know as a lost child
    I have some catching up to do
    So please forgive me now for asking questions
    But I’m out seeking the truth.
    Devil told me you don’t like liars but he does, so
    Is that the reason why people lie
    Or is sinning of our own free will
    And we taking away from our pre-planned life?

    When a person lacks to acknowledge your existence
    In certain situations
    Do you get mad and frown down upon him
    And let him not see the trouble he facing?

    In a relationship of consistency where the man is supposed to give
    If we know that man loves us like you loved the church
    Do we women still have to submit?
    I thought we women were Queens in your eyes and not inferior unto to any man
    Then you’re probably thinking
    Well if she saying that, chances are I don’t listen to you either then.

    High Praises in the church followed by heavenly gospel hymns
    Reaching high up in the sky and hardly none of the
    People even know what the lyrics mean.
    I come to you bold and loud cause Im confident when I speak to my Father
    Knowing its no information he lacks
    God sent me a sign telling me to be patient and
    Finally he answered back

    First off my child, the time is come
    To speak to you through your heart
    You finally kept the faith through trials of adversity
    Like I was trying to teach you from the start
    I am always following you
    Even though through a mirror I’m never there
    You must remember one thing as promised
    You are never my only child alive so truth be told
    I’m everywhere

    I see people pretending to want to know who I am
    But as soon as I hear heavenly voices reach out to me
    I give the chance to repent their sins again
    Its not easy witnessing so much betrayal
    But think back when I told my own disciples that they will betray me
    Three times and every time they failed

    I walked unto a woman of harlotry
    Who got down on her knees and washed my feet
    She may have been in many beds of men
    But every night she still answers unto me
    I would not say that is being inferior to men
    But we always need a soothing hand
    To gently caress us after long days of labor you will never see
    So why else you think I created a man?

    I do wish for my queens, my beautiful women
    To have to ever go without
    But not all men are the ones made for you exact
    But we choose to accept them with no doubt
    Despise all the devilish things we whisper in your ear
    God is always watching your next move
    My child, destiny is what brought you here

    However stop being selfish now
    Cause I have people to tend to
    We will continue this conversation later
    I have people in need of saving who belong to me
    Just like you do

    On that particular day ladies and gentleman
    God touched me in a special way
    I wont try to describe the feeling
    Just know I repented that day
    You see us as his servants are supposed to do as we told
    And not as we see others do
    Im willing to live righteous day by day
    By delivering this poem
    In hopes of reaching out to you..

    We all have committed some wrongdoing in our life at some point
    But we have already been forgiven which to you probably sounds rather odd
    But just to make sure you love JESUS like I do
    Ask him any question and find your answer but you gotta pray and say

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    origionalmerlin commented on DEAR GOD..



    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    cbilliard’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    "MIRROR" 0
    " YOU SEE ME" 1
    "JIMMY" 0
    DEAR GOD.. 1
    Guilty Conscience 1