Dancer In The Kitchen


  • Humor

    Dancer In The Kitchen

    He was a balding carpet cleaner
    She was a dancer at the Star
    They met one night relaxing
    Down at the Red Stone Bar
    He ordered up a whiskey
    She said she'd have the same
    And with in a month of courting
    They came to share a common name
    Through fifteen years of marriage
    He's kept her carpets clean
    He still says she's the greatest dancer
    He has ever seen
    She Discos in the kitchen
    She Frugs right down the hall
    She Hootchikoos the stairway
    And he's never seen her fall
    He's gone completely bald now
    But still he likes to see
    Every dance she dances
    And he watches now for free
    Through fifteen years of marriage
    Their dance is still around
    And as an extra bonus
    They've the cleanest rugs in town

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    simplypeace commented on Dancer In The Kitchen


    hahaha! this is funny! but oh so sweet...lovely work! flows perfectly...rhymes perfectly...great story...need i say more! once again you continue to impress!

    sk commented on Dancer In The Kitchen


    WHen it's right it's right! Very enjoyable little story, brought a smile to my face. 10

    Donna commented on Dancer In The Kitchen


    ok i made you smile with all in a days work and this one made me smile. this reminds me of my grandparents. Very good read!

    dancingbear commented on Dancer In The Kitchen


    This could easily be set to music! Thanks.

    Stark commented on Dancer In The Kitchen


    Brilliant. I have no criticism for this. The rhythm's great, the story's interesting. From the first line, I was completely drawn in. And the humor just brought it together perfectly.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    kenparme’s Poems (5)

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    Dancer In The Kitchen 11
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