Credit Due


  • GregoryGarrett
  • I am releasing various poems from my poetry book, "The Smile Of Chagrin", available at

Credit Due

Credit Due








Each revision of the mind




Brings the soundest sweetest lease,




On the visionary find




Of which like dismay I cease.






The very act which casts upon




The source distinctive credit due,




Forges Flumes that carry on




Continued grace all through and through.






But as soon as we retrace




With what splendor we express,




And deny what spring of grace




That would perish think of less




Than the lending to delight




Every soul which hath an ear,




In a never-ending aim of sight




To uphold all so very dear,






Then in spite of yet our goal,




We discount the very force,




And quick appears the rocky shoal




And in this from depth divorce.






So, though increase may seem temptation




To attain the credit due,




In support of His elation,




Were He of nature, He would sue!






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lucindaclaire commented on Credit Due


Giving credit where credit is due....It can be hard to live out the idea of never letting your right hand know what your left hand is doing. It is a great way to keep one's ego in check.

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

GregoryGarrett’s Poems (5)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Conscience 2
Credit Due 1
Ode TO The Sun 1
Ode To The Moon 1
Ode To The Stars 0