Cowboy Romance


Cowboy Romance

While the rooster crows
at the dawning day
and the cackling hens
proclaim their lay

My naked body
Lies next to yours
Covered in satin
On bear skinned  floors

With dying embers
of last night's flame
Beginning  to blaze
As you moan my name

I see scattered clothing
Testifying  to the rush
Of succumbing to our passion
Relenting to our lust

Yonder's my chaps
That I wore to the cries
Of  "Ride me, Cowboy!"...
As I stared in your eyes

And there's my Stetson
That you wore for a time
As you rode this 'Cowboy'
...Clean out of his mind

I've ridden many a bull
That could learn from you
Seems  you 'bucked' me off
And that's not easy to do

I  reach for my Stetson,
Then light up a smoke
Contemplating the thought
Of being a haltered cowpoke

With a wry little grin,
and a shake of my head
I ease out the door...
And leave you in my bed

Written by Randy Lewis

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POETSLUV commented on Cowboy Romance


wow that was amazing i really like it it was very good

knight4696 commented on Cowboy Romance


Roadie - Quite the erotica you got going on here. lol! I'm sure your roundin' up many a fillie and got them singin' Save a Horse - Ride a Cowboy! lol! :) Nice write! :) Ken

stellar commented on Cowboy Romance


love this one...very erotic..and with your body this is really erotic...the romance is sweet to the ears unlike the other which is too emotional romances...very fine to read and read it again...that girl in your poem must be very lucky ^_^ v

Chaos128 commented on Cowboy Romance


Ha ha! go get 'em, cowboy. Got groupies now, huh, Roady. That's ok, man - get enough of 'em and there'll be nobody to rule against you at the paternity hearing. Ha ha! Great stuff, man!



Thanks, Chaos! Much appreciated. Deep insight you have there, friend. lol... Roadie

SmileyAngel138 commented on Cowboy Romance


i love how this poem was simple and sexy at the same did a great job :-)



Thank you very much, Smiley. Much appreciated.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

Roadie’s Poems (2)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Cowboy Romance 15
Eight Seconds of Eternity 23