

  • Lost Love

    Poem Commentary

    (c) Jade Sophia 2008


    I asked you to save me
    I begged and pleaded and cried
    And the answer that you gave me
    Killed me a little more inside

    I knew I couldn't be loved
    You told me that wasn't true
    You said I'd find him someday
    But I had already fallen for you

    I let my walls come down
    I let you inside my mind
    I let you conquer me completely
    To everything else I am blind

    You enter my thoughts all day
    You stalk my dreams at night
    Though I know I'm not your anything
    You gave me a reason to fight

    My heart is locked
    You have the key
    And though you've moved on
    ...You still have all of me

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    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

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