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    "I went left because for majority of my life i been right, i went up because I'm tired of being down, i hate because i never felt true love, i lie because the truth hurts,I hurt others because i want them to feel what i feel, I want to be a good person but all i know how to be is bad, I've done for Satan all my life and now want to live for God, lord I'm pulling you closer, i need you by my side, forget what everyone else has to say, i have nothing to hide, lord i am so lost, & really want 2 be found....with you by my side i know i can change, therefore i KNOW I'll come around"

    written date:April,23,2009
    T'Shae Luv

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    JadedJezzabel commented on Change


    keep the faith lil mama......keep the faith.....all you have to do is believe it to be and it will



    thanks for the comments

    phatdaddee commented on Change


    I like this one too! You should write more and share with us what its like being Ms. T! I need more to read, make it happen! LOL!

    streetprophit11 commented on Change


    Grade A!!!! A-1 outstanding. this has to be one of the best poems I ever read in my life by far. it has my vote for the top ten I've read on this sight. You have a true talent. I mean what else Can I say? It its what it is...

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    tmac07’s Poems (2)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My Inner reflection 2
    Change 3